We are able to supply You with a variety of ready-to-use kits for different immunoassays (ELISA, RIA, IFA, Western Blot), as well as separate components (microplates with or without different types of coating and with different binding affinity, buffers, antibodies, antigens to be used as positive controls and many more). In our portfolio You can find thousands of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies for various antigens, with or without conjugates, suitable for a wide range of applications, including flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, etc. With us You can also order and buy antibodies that are custom made especially for your needs.
Antibody, ELISA Kit, PCR kit, Western Blot, Cell culture, Cell analysis, Real Time PCR, PCR Kits, Biochemical Kits, InstantBlue, Immunohistochemistry, labolatory, laboratory research, labolatory research products, fluorometric assays, microbiology, Virology, Colorimetric, QuantiChrom, EnzyChrom
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