

The juiceWorks




I worked hard and played hard too without giving a thought to the welfare of my body. Looking back, I guess I was one of the lucky ones as no matter what I ate or drank I always remained slim and healthy, or so it appeared.

At The JuiceWorks we make Pure, Raw fruit & vegetable juices. All made to order and delivered across the UK. Never heated, Never treated

In October 2000 I noticed my vision was not as good as it was; it just looked misty and for a few days I put it down to fatigue and presumed it would get better. As it was certainly not getting any better I went to the opticians.

They had a good look and though my vision was by now quite poor they could not see a problem with my eyes and told me to ‘See how it goes.’ I was not at all satisfied with that advice and asked for another appointment the following week but unfortunately got the same response. I was really quite worried so I went to see my doctor. He just said I was working too hard but should go to the gym! I then asked to see a specialist and was referred to the local hospital.

By The juiceWorks

8 Gower Street IP2 8EX Ipswich United Kingdom
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