

ASAP Credit Repair & Financial Education




If your credit has been damaged and you are looking to repair it using a credit repair service there are things you should know. The credit service must provide you with written details of their offer before you agree to any terms, as no agreement is binding unless there is a signed contract by the consumer.


If you do not have the self-discipline to fix your credit by creating a set budget and following each step of that budget, or if you lack the ability to formulate a repayment plan with your creditors, it might be wise to enlist the services of a credit counseling organization. Do not let lack of extra cash keep you from obtaining this type of service since some are non-profit. Just as you would with any other credit repair organization, check the reputability of a credit counseling organization before signing a contract.


While patience is an important part of the credit repair process, you should always follow up on letters you send, no matter who the recipient is. It might be hard to believe but some credit bureaus and debt collectors use the ostrich's strategy (i.e. burying their heads in the sand) to deal with debtor's letters. Send more letters after unanswered ones until you get a reply.


Be cautious when considering a credit repair program or organization. Many for profit companies promise to clean up your credit in exchange for a paid fee yet are unable to deliver on their promise. Research appropriate methods of credit repair you can do yourself or work through an approved credit counseling bureau to improve your credit effectively.


When trying to repair your credit, keep a keen eye open for possible credit repair scams. For example, any company that wants money up front for services is likely a scam. This is because the Credit Repair Organization's Act says credit repair companies cannot require you to pay until they have completed their services.


Whatever you do, try not to file for bankruptcy. Credit repair is much more difficult after you have filed, so make every attempt to consolidate your debt and pay off as much as you can before you take this step. People think it's a credit cure-all, but it ends up being a huge black mark on your record instead.


The above article illustrated the importance of knowing where an individual is now in terms of financial health in order to determine the best options for credit repair available to an individual at a given point in time. By using the above tips to assess an individual's current financial situation, individuals can save themselves time and often money by avoiding options that would not work for them at a particular point in time.


By ASAP Credit Repair & Financial Education

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