Columbia Regional Center for TMJ and Orofacial Pain is a center for TMJ and orofacial pain based in Richland, WA. The team provides its services to the whole Tri-City area. The team is led by Dr. Bloxham, who has 6-certifications and more in the works. The doctor has educational experience as well as his own experience with chronic pain. The team knows how problematic TMJ and orofacial pain can be and are looking to provide the best treatments possible. The clinic can treat TMJ, sleep apnea, nerve pains, muscle pain, and many more. Whatever problem you are having, we will solve it. Contact us today at 509-578-5770 for the best results.
Columbia Regional Center for TMJ and Orofacial Pain
1363 Columbia Park Trail Suite 101, Richland, WA 99352, United States
(509) 578-5770
URL: http://www.columbiatmjandpain.com/
CID: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=469506624603878766
By Columbia Regional Center for TMJ and Orofacial Pain
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