Nauman Ahmad, is a pediatric physician who has specialized in Pediatric Cardiology. He is enthused by his passion for providing children with a medical clinic where parents and pediatricians can develop a lifelong partnership in providing children the comprehensive care to achieve optimal growth and development and provide best health practices. With inpatient hospitalist and pediatric critical care experience in addition, Dr. Ahmad has now taken over Federal Way Pediatric Associates in King County and is accepting new patients. His focus is on providing general pediatric cardiology care to the patients.
s there anything more important than your child’s health? At Federal Way Pediatrics, your child gets personalized health care for every stage of childhood, from prenatal care into their early adult life. Pediatric care should be a pleasant experience for children, so we offer a welcoming atmosphere, top quality medical care, and friendly faces dedicated to their profession.
By Federal Way Pediatric Cardiology
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