LE PETIT BEBE DAYCARE is all about your child feeling comfortable and confident. Spend some time with us and you will see children who are having fun, learning and feeling good about themselves Free school for kids of AGE 8 months to 5 years. We’re here to help when you have last-minute disruptions to your regular childcare arrangements. LE PETIT BEBE DAYCARE is an invaluable part of the team. We Speak French, Spanish, English, and Hebrew. When a child first enters our school, we look to provide an appealing environment that empowers them to build trust, comfort, and a feeling of safety here at LE PETIT BEBE DAYCARE. Once a child is comfortable with their new friends and teacher, only then will they be able to grasp knowledge.
Call us (310) 779-2454 or visit our website http://www.lepetitbebedaycarela.com/
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