Founded in 2013, ATR: A Triggered Response originally began with NC Concealed Carry Classes and Basic Pistol Classes. ATR progressed into the NRA Personal Protection classes. As an NRA, Advanced Pistol Instructor, we then advanced into the NRA Defensive Pistol Module. The curriculum rapidly expanded and continues to expand into intermediate and advanced topics, now our PPT- Protection Pistol Training series. These classes attract both local student, as well as other firearms instructors from North Carolina and the surrounding states.
I combined my passion for personal protection and self-reliance with my passion for teaching. After a few years as an instructor, I founded ATR: A Triggered Response in 2013. I am fortunate to train at the best institutions and with the best trainers in the country (Gunsite, Rangemaster, Dave Spaulding, Southnarc, Massad Ayoob, Sig Sauer Academy, Andrew Branca) and bring the best handgun and legal information back to our students. I am one of the few, possibly the only, certified NRA Advanced Pistol Instructor in the area, and have also achieved the prestigious Rangemaster instructor certificate, and was recognized for excellence at that course. Additional background includes martial arts as well as an expert knowledge of human anatomy as a Radiologist Physician.
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