

What is The Worst Time of Year for Robbery in My Home
Home Improvement
1 year ago

Are you wondering what time of year you need to be more vigilant to ensure your home is protected from thieves? It’s important to ensure that your household is protected year-round, but at certain times of the year it might be wise to be extra cautious to secure your home.

What is the worst time of year for robberies in Sydney?

Statistics show that January is usually the worst month of the year for robbery in Sydney. But why is that? The holiday season? The warm weather? 

#1 Complacency with security

After the holiday season, most of us get to have some time off work. The weather is warm, the cooling breeze at the end of a scorching Sydney day draws you outdoors. The kids want to get outside and play. You're in holiday mode. Attention to security might be at the back of your mind when you're in high spirits, and you might accidentally leave the door unlocked when you head out into the sunshine. 

#2 New and expensive items

Burglars know that Christmas is a time for giving. Gift giving. Homes during the Christmas season are more likely to have new electronics, jewellery and cash either wrapped up under the tree or left out to admire. 

Santa doesn't come until Christmas Eve, and you might be better off following his lead. Although it's fun to stack gifts under the tree in the lead-up to Christmas, hiding wrapped gifts until Christmas morning will keep these tempting treats out of sight of potential robbers. Having visible security measures in place, such as a security door and windows or security cameras, can deter potential thieves, but better not give them an excuse to try.

#3 Letting the cool breeze into your home 

As the Australian holiday season coincides with summer, this is the season you're most likely to throw open the doors in search of that elusive cool breeze. In 30% of home break-ins, the burglar entered through an open door or window. 

Rather than deciding between the breeze and your security, summer might be the time to consider installing safety windows and doors. Jim's Security Doors and windows are designed to let in natural light and air without compromising your family's safety. That way, when the night air brings relief from the heat, you can fly to the window, tear open the shutters and throw up the sash, knowing Santa's the only one who will be breaking into your home!

#4 Holiday season

The holiday season and the weather compound once more to give us another reason why January is the worst time of year for robbery in Sydney - vacation time! If you're heading out of town for a summer holiday, prepare your home for your absence. This might mean asking a neighbour to keep an eye out, installing timed lights, so it looks like someone's home and making sure your security doors and windows are all locked and in working order.

Security window screens, privacy screens and security gates are the best way to secure your home.