For the unfortunate few, childhood abuse and neglect can cause long-term effects on our minds. It is said that abuse can alter not just the chemistry but the structure of our brain. If a child is abused by a guardian, a stranger, or a parent in their formative years, it stunts any forms of future growth when the child becomes an adult. The Amygdala and the Hippocampus are for developing emotions and storing memory, respectively, are affected because of childhood trauma.
Children who face abuse grow up with many regulatory disorders and mental illnesses. It also affects future behavior as an adult and affects their relationships. It interferes with their ability to process and regulate their emotions, making them more susceptible to abuse. Getting into relationships with more abusive individuals is a major problem that people face. In a way, their lives are set up for disaster. These people also turn to the solace of drugs, alcohol and indulge in self-destructive behavior. Lack of trust, personality disorders, and issues in future relationships and intimacy are common side-effects of abuse. So, how do we overcome these devastating effects?
Seek Therapy:
Therapy is a sure-fire way to help process and heal childhood trauma that stems from abuse. Going to a trained mental health professional helps us peel back the layers of anguish and confusion as a therapist may offer strategies and tips to help us heal post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) stemming from childhood neglect and abuse. In addition, speaking up and reaching for support from your loved ones can do wonders for your mental health.
In order for us to get help, the first step is to recognize and acknowledge that we suffer from PTSD. The first step to process what ails us helps us take the crucial steps that lead to healing. Recall all the trauma that you have been through. It is vital to fully embrace what we feel in order to let it go.
Forgive Yourself:
It is crucial to remember that the abuse we faced was not our fault. Self-blame is the enemy when it comes to healing from childhood abuse. Know that accepting that it happened plays a pivotal role in the journey to recovery. We must remember that the road to recovery may be difficult but it is never impossible. Remember, there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
Meditation and Deep Breathing:
How to meditate: Practice deep breathing and meditation in order to stop negative emotions and thoughts from affecting you. To meditate, find a quiet place, and relax your muscles with each breath you take. Start from your forehead all the way down to your toes. The trick is to let the negative thoughts and emotions pass through you by focusing on them. When you make meditation a part of your daily routine, it helps you gain control over your negative thoughts and emotions.
How to deep breathe: Take a long, slow breath in. Feel your lungs and your abdomen expand. Hold for 3 seconds and exhale slowly. Repeat these steps till you feel relaxed.
Accompany Paolo Tabbi on his journey toward the light after battling with childhood trauma for a long time Read his book THE BLACK GOWN to know more!