

Ola Grimsby Europe




The Ola Grimsby Institute is a teaching institute for physical therapists with a over 40 year history of providing continuing education seminars, certification programs in manual therapy as well as exercise, Orthopedic Residency programs, Fellowship programs, and even a PhD program. The overall curriculum includes seminars in manual therapy, with a Norwegian origin and flavor, but a modern evidence-based approach to teaching and clinical practice. Additionally, the STEP (scientific, therapeutic, exercise progressions) curriculum, which is a progression of the Norwegian MET (medical exercise therapy), offers and advanced education in exercise design, dosage and progression. Our unique courses can be taken in series, leading to certifications, or as part of Residency and Fellowship programs. We offer a 1st year Orthopedic Residency program, a second year Manual Therapy Fellowship program and a 3rd year culminating PhD. Whether your interest are in acquiring a specific skill related to one course, or involve a true clinical education through our extensive manual therapy programs, we have the courses and instructors to meet fulfill your needs.

By Ola Grimsby Europe

Haxthausens Gate 4 - 0263 Oslo - Norway 0263 Oslo Norway
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