

Candy Pop




Are you looking for the sweetest candy shop in Springfield, IL? If so, visit Candy Pop! Our candy store has a wide selection of candies and other essential items at affordable prices. Whether you have a sweet tooth or are here to shop for groceries, we have something here to satisfy all cravings. From milk and other dairy products, to bread and baked goods, our products are fresh and delicious. For great service in Springfield, IL visit Candy Pop.  

Are you looking for the sweetest candy shop in Springfield, IL? If so, visit Candy Pop! Our candy store has a wide selection of candies and other essential items at affordable prices. Whether you have a sweet tooth or are here to shop for groceries, we have something here to satisfy all cravings. From milk and other dairy products, to bread and baked goods, our products are fresh and delicious. For great service in Springfield, IL visit Candy Pop. 

By Candy Pop

503 W Monroe St, Springfield, IL 62704, USA 62704 Springfield IL United States
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