Whether one is experiencing chronic back pain from the upper, mid or lower regions, we can help. We are a qualified back pain specialist in NYC. We see people with conditions that involve Sciatica nerve pain, Ankylosing Spondylitis and Bursitis on a daily basis.Oftentimes, back pain is caused from tension that develops within the muscles. In the lower region, muscles that stiffen will contribute to a great deal of lower back pain. To find the best way to treat the back problem, regardless of the location, we must find the greatest muscular therapies to utilize.Some people choose to medicate to get rid of the chronic pain, but this never really takes care of the problem. This method of treatment can develop its own set of problems that can range from major side effects of medications to dangerous addictions. The other solution is to repair the damage. Repairing can mean a variety of gentle manipulations to the back and neck region to alleviate the pain put on disks, muscles and vertebrae. Using manipulation, a method to place the vertebrae back into their original location, it can alleviate a great deal of stress put on muscles and surrounding areas and bring relief.
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