

Jade Wellness Center




As a family, we did not choose to work in the field of addiction treatment, it chose us. We did not wake up one day and say, "let's open state licensed drug and alcohol treatment center(s)." The road to get to JADE Wellness was long and hard filled with sorrow and pain. We lost one of our own to this brutal disease of substance use. We are committed to working every day with our staff of leading experts to provide best science based solutions to treating addiction. Our commitment to saving lives is filled with determination and our desire to prevent what happened to our family from happening to others.

For Lucy Garrighan, CEO, Founder and Matriarch of JADE Wellness Center, the journey with addiction treatment began long before the birth of JADE Wellness Center in 2010. As the mother of two young adult sons struggling with addiction, Lucy searched near and far for the answer to how to help her children and how they could get well and stay well. Painstakingly, after seven years, of relentlessly seeking treatment at not only local but more than a dozen treatment centers across the United States and then the devastating loss of her first born son, John, Lucy arrived at some bitter truths. Better treatment was needed. People need to be more knowledge about what happens to those addicted. The stigmas must be dismissed. The loss of John six years ago almost broke her but instead she took her grief and funneled it into energy. Energy to make changes in the world of addiction treatment.

By Jade Wellness Center

4105 Monroeville Blvd 15146 Monroeville PA United States
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