C & H Auto Repair
253 Kath St, South Amboy, NJ, 08879
(732) 721-0886
We provide professional auto repair services for the area of South Amboy, NJ.
check engine lights, oil change, brake repair,auto tune ups, gladiator, air conditioning repair, heater repair, hanging lamps, general car maintenance, batteries replacement, front and work, structure and shocks, exhaust work, general mechanic
Morgan NJ;Parlin NJ;Madison Park NJ;Laurence Harbor NJ;Cliffwood Beach NJ
Auto Repair, Car Service, Auto Repair Service, Professional Auto Repair, Car Mechanic
C & H Auto Repair
253 Kath St, South Amboy, NJ, 08879
(732) 721-0886
We provide professional auto repair services for the area of South Amboy, NJ.
check engine lights, oil change, brake repair,auto tune ups, gladiator, air conditioning repair, heater repair, hanging lamps, general car maintenance, batteries replacement, front and work, structure and shocks, exhaust work, general mechanic
Morgan NJ;Parlin NJ;Madison Park NJ;Laurence Harbor NJ;Cliffwood Beach NJ
Auto Repair, Car Service, Auto Repair Service, Professional Auto Repair, Car Mechanic
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