Maree Andre Bac-Stat Systems is a renowned expert in Hair coloring and Hair Care. She is recognized as the "go-to" woman for setting the pace in the creative color science of high and low volume peroxide. Maree Andre Bac-Stat Systems offers in-salon workshops that cover the fundamentals as well as adavanced hair coloring techniques. Maree's workshops are an all-day educational event. Maree Andre Bac-Stat Systems greatest enjoyment comes from sharing her knowledge with students.Teaching is very rewarding and stimulating. Students are so open to new information. It's exciting to teach them hair color from the very beginning starting with the basic color wheel, to watch their growth into the beauty industry and follow their careers and encourage them to promote professionalism in our beauty industry.
Timing: Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
By Maree Andre Bac-Stat Systems
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