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  • jobs
  • 1 month ago

jobs description

Patrol the entire city or an assigned part thereof and investigate irregular conditions and circumstances, suspicious persons and their activities, detect and prevent crime, direct traffic when necessary or as expressly assigned, assist the public, make arrests as required by law, and act as jailer and perform all duties related thereto, as required.
• Must be a citizen of the United States and of legal age
• Must pass physical examination
• Must be at least twenty-one (21) years of age and no more than forty-four (44) years of age.
• Must possess one of the following: high school diploma, high school equivalent
• Must possess a valid driver's license
• Been convicted of,pled guilty or nolo contendere to any felony
• Been convicted of, pled guilty or nolo contendere to any Domestic Violence Crimes or sexual offenses
• Been convicted of, pled guilty or nolo contendere to, any offenses involving violations of the civil rights of any person under the constitution or laws of the United States or any state or territory
• Used marijuana within two years prior to application
• Used any illegal drug other than marijuana within five years prior to application
• Sold,distributed,manufactured,or transported any illegal drug
• Used any prescription drug or legally obtained substance in a manner for which it was not intended within two years prior to application
• Been dishonorably discharged from any military service
• Been terminated or forced to resign from any law enforcement agency for disciplinary reasons
• Refused to submit to a polygraph examination and/or voice stress examination
• An unacceptable driving record within five years of application, as evidenced by, three or more negligent collisions: suspension for moving violations:revocation, or operating after suspension/revocation of driver licenses: DWI or DUI convictions
• Multiple choice exam and written exercise which is the Civil Service Exam.Look for next available date at this website (ose.la.gov)
• Physical Agility Test including push ups, sit-ups, and running
• Oral Review Board
• Background investigation including a CVSA test (a type of lie detector test)
• Substance Abuse Screening
• Medical Exam
• Psychological/Psychiatric Evaluation
Monroe LA United States


Apply - Police Officer Monroe