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  • jobs
  • 2 months ago

jobs description

Position Overview

Calian is currently seeking experienced and skilled Primary Care Paramedics (PCPs) to work within the Regina Police Detention Management Unit on a casual basis. Providing care to newly arrested individuals, the PCP will leverage their clinical skill set and scope of practice to provide comprehensive medical and mental health assessments to detained individuals and ensure proper follow up care based on assessment outcomes in a clinic-like setting. With a focus on ensuring detainees are medical fit to remain in cells, PCPs will work with Regina Police staff to provide medical care to detainees while ensuring detainee safety.


Regina, SK

Job Type

Full Time

• Document patient care findings
• Respond to medical and mental health needs
• Liaise with a multi-disciplinary team of community clinicians and stakeholders
• Provide emergency care, and when necessary, arrange transport to hospital
• Must be able to work autonomously, have great communication skills, and be highly reliable

• Licensed and in good standing with the Saskatchewan College of Paramedics
• Valid CPR certification
• Experience dealing with mental health and addictions

Additional Requirements
• Must successfully pass an enhanced security clearance with Regina Police Services.
Regina SK Canada


Apply - Primary Care Paramedic Regina