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  • jobs
  • 1 month ago

jobs description

Hi there my name is Tanner Curran I am 22 years old and I'm looking for a job in cash or sin ( on the books)
I'm willing to work full time part time or temporary jobs. Can work day nights and weekends.

I'm experienced in most trades/ General Labour jobs...
Home renovation Inc. Drywall and taping framing flooring minor plumbing and electrical as well as exterior work like siding eavesdrop roofing concrete and block work and landscaping.
Other jobs I'm experienced in are..
Food packaging
Retail work/ cashier
Event set up and tear down.
Banner installation mostly for Tim Hortons field

If there is any job you need help with please feel free to contact me here and I'll get back to asap.

Thank you
Tanner Curran


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