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  • jobs
  • 1 month ago

jobs description

Life-changing work. Game changing support.

Our Social Workers make a huge difference to the lives of people across our county, and we remain passionate about investing in retaining our own and developing practice and this an exciting opportunity which offers just that.

If you are looking for more responsibility, a supportive role with your colleagues whilst continuing to support and safeguard some of our most vulnerable/high risk children and young people, then this could be just for you.

We are looking for qualified social workers with post qualifying experience of working with vulnerable children and knowledge of safeguarding and children in care.

You will be based in Stafford, Town Centre and ideally be able to work on a Monday, Thursday and every other Friday

A career progression framework is in place to support you which also includes:

Practice Educator Programme.
Aspiring Senior Practice Lead and Aspiring Team Manager programmes.
We are ambitious in our learning and development programme with strong links within the West Midlands and our teaching partnership.

For more information on working in at Staffordshire and our social worker career pathway, please visit Children & Families - Careers at Staffordshire

Hear more from Michael, on what its like to work here!
Stafford United Kingdom


Apply - Advanced Social Worker (Stafford)