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jobs description

CLAIBORNE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICTJob DescriptionCounselor - High SchoolTitle: CounselorQualifications: 1. Proper State Certification• Other qualifications as deemed appropriate and acceptable by the BoardReports To: Superintendent of Education, the Assistant Superintendent, Principal, Assistant Principal, and other designated supervisorJob Goal: To help students overcome problem...s that impede learning and to assist them in making educational, occupational and life plans that hold promise for their personal fulfillment as mature, responsible men and womenDemonstration of Professionalism• Uses correct oral and written communication• Adheres to the board/school policies• Adheres to the Ethical Standards of the American Counseling Association and the American School Counselor Association• Maintains confidentiality within ASCA Guidelines• Maintains positive atmosphere with students, teachers and communityOrganization of the Guidance Program• Plans counseling and guidance activities for the school year, showing appropriate time allocations• Demonstrates evidence of organizational skills• Publishes and distributes a calendar of events relevant to counseling and guidanceAdministration of Guidance Program• Schedules appointments for developmental counseling as needed• Provides time for counseling self-referred, at-risk students and crisis counseling• Conducts an interview with newly enrolled students• Conducts follow-up of newly enrolled students• Plans and conducts group counseling and guidance activities (Pre-registration, financial aid, drug awareness, testing, etc.)• Plans and conducts group counseling and guidance activities throughout the yearStudent Records• Coordinates maintenance of student records• Coordinates or assists with individual and/or group standardized testing• Reviews students' progress at the end of each grading period• Keeps accurate records of entering and withdrawing students (dates, schools...)• Maintains MSIS release, request, and addition of, student information in a timely manner• Completes transcript in a timely mannerPost-Secondary Planning (High School)• Informs and makes students aware of scholarships and grants available in a timely manner• Keeps a record of scholarships offered/received status• Provides career information• Assists students in self-awareness• Monitors the signing of Career Plans• Provides ACT preparation for students (HS)Testing• Follows the directions of the State and District Test Coordinator• Follows the state and district test security plan• Informs parents at least one week prior to all state-mandated testing• Interprets student testing information (individually/group)• Identifies students with special needs• Guides the analysis of student test data• Informs supervisors and district office personnel of curriculum strengths and weaknesses that are identified based on test data• Identifies students who are at-risk for failure on state required tests and guides the formation of individual intervention plans for those students• Coordinates remediation for students who fail or are at risk of failure on state testsCourse Selection• Issues pre-registration forms for the coming school term by March 1 of each school year• Collects pre-registration forms and begins to compile the data by April 1 of each school year• Gives the school principal the compiled information necessary for creating the master schedule by April 15 of each school year• Conducts group information sessions on subject selection• Conducts individual counseling sessions on subject selection• Communicates with parents/guardians on student progress toward graduation• Assists in education planning of students with identified needs• Works with Career/Technology/Vocational Center for placement in vocational areasSpecial Services• Acts upon referrals from students, teachers, other professional staff, parents, and agencies• Assists with student referrals; Serves on Student/Teacher Support Team• Utilizes community resources and agencies in providing services• Assists students, parents, and teachers in making use of community resources• Assists in appropriate placement of students with special needs• Provides individual and group counseling and guidance for students in course activity placement• Assists in placement of students for instructional purposes• Coordinates activities in assisting students in preparing for job placement• Identifies ELL students (English Language Learners)Family, Home, School and Other Support Services• Works with family concerning home situations that relate to the student's performance and attitude toward school• Works with teachers, administrators and other staff regarding such issues as student attitude, progress and attendance (absenteeism)• Works with attendance officer and provides necessary information in a timely mannerFollow-Up• Conducts follow-up of students (transfers, drop-outs, etc.)• Evaluates the counseling and guidance program annually• Revises program periodically as needed• Performs others duties as assigned by the Principal, Assistant Principal, Superintendent, the Assistant Superintendent, and other designated supervisorTerms of Employment: (192 Elem.-MS / 215 HS Days) work year. Salary based upon certification and experience.Evaluation: Performance of this job will be evaluated in accordance with provisions of the Board's policy onEvaluation of Professional Personnel.Printed Name Signature____/____/____Date
Tennessee United States


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