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  • 1 month ago

jobs description


JOB DESCRIPTION: Incumbent holds a journeyman level of responsibility in fire/rescue, to include fire response and control, rescue of various forms, and general emergency management. Must be able to do team work. Supervised by the Fire Chief and Fire Officers. Tasks to be included are: (1) drive and operate all apparatus; (2) fire fighting and rescue operations; (3) fire and rescue drill participation; (4) public education programs including but not limited to fire station tours; (5) perform company inspections; (6) prepare, maintain and perform minor and routine maintenance on all apparatus; (7) perform all other tasks as assigned.

TMRS Retirement, Employee Health Insurance, Holidays and 2 weeks vacation after one year


High school diploma or equivalent. TCFP Basic Structure Firefighter Certification. Texas DSHS EMR/ECA Certification. Firefighting, rescue, and hazardous materials response procedures. Must maintain minimum certification by TCFP-Basic Structure Firefighter and DSHS-EMR/ECA throughout employment. Must meet Federal mandates regarding Homeland Security and NIMS training within 90 days of employment.

Special Requirements

Firefighting, rescue, basic hazardous materials response, to include but not limited to: climbing of 85 Tower Ladder @ 60, climbing 35 extension ladder with exit to and from window, hose handling and rolling, stamina, stair climbing 4 stories carrying high-rise pack in full gear, truck operations, general firefighting, high angle and confined space rescue, first aid, CPR, general ability to maintain apparatus, perform minor and routine repairs, assist with apparatus construction/modification.

Miscellaneous Information

Small organizations like the SFD can only function adequately when employees are willing to assist in backfill and emergency call back. While there is no designated on-call schedule or program, off-duty firefighters are needed to backfill when fire and rescue calls are underway and are compensated appropriately including a 1hr minimum pay for call back. Except as noted in the City Personnel Policy, the City does not restrict firefighter activities when off-duty. However, to make backfill possible, firefighters will reside in a location that allows the firefighter, when available, the ability to respond (day or night) to the central fire station and be ready for emergency duty within 30 minutes of notification. Firefighter will agree to carry a department issued pager, handheld radio or E-Dispatch capability at all times when within the boundaries of Scurry County while off duty. Firefighter will also actively participate in regularly scheduled drills of the entire department, and in called drills as designated by the Chief. Firefighter agrees to other requirements as outlined in the City of Snyder Personnel Policy, and the SFD Inter-departmental policies and adherence to all SFD SOGs.
Snyder TX United States


Apply - Firefighter Snyder