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  • jobs
  • 1 month ago

jobs description

Hello all applicants!
I am looking for an individual with a warm heart, experience with children (particularly with disabilities) and the time and space in their lives to make a positive contribution. I am looking for someone I can trust and bring into our happy home as a part time nanny for my little one.

I am looking for a nanny for my daughter (age 7) from Monday to Thursday during the school year. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday hours are 3:30pm-5:30pm and Tuesday is 3:30pm-8:30pm. Requirements include a drivers license and knowledge of the city. My daughter finishes school at Strathmillan Elementary School at 3:40pm where she will need to be picked up. She can come home or go on an activity, such as the zoo (I have a zoo membership), a class or sport she's in, or come home and play here. But a vehicle, good driving record and comfort driving a 7 year old are required.

House cleaning and meal prep are also needed. My daughter has an allergy to peanuts and lightly cooked eggs; she has to have an epi pen at all times and is a picky eater. I have a medical issue in my stomach and she needs help bringing food into her life. Meal prep and her participating in cooking would be outstanding. House cleaning is light; she often has toys around but there are no pets and only the two of us living here.

My daughter is sociable, happy and curious. Her disability is ADHD and she has a chromosomal abnormality called Triple X syndrome. I think it makes her a super girl. It has mostly showed up as allergies, however, she does have difficulty (right now) with big emotions, listening to one person in a class or if there are people around (very distracted) and she is active. She's a very active little kid! She's happy and needs to be with someone very attentive, patient and nurturing.

I am looking to hire someone shortly, with interviews being conducted in January. I have an assessment form that will help you understand the position and me to understand you! :) This way, we all begin on open, professional terms. I want the person I hire to feel comfortable, confident and excited. After I assess candidates, I will reach out to anyone that seems like a good fit for the job. I would like to do an interview first over Teams (or Skype - whatever you prefer) - this way we don't waste time and everyone is on the same page. As for me, I am a single mother by choice and have worked for the federal government for almost two decades. I am a classic science nerd and work for the National Microbiology Lab. I also teach yoga. And do a lot of karate. Watch out because so does the kid! :)

She is extremely kind, creative and she loves art, crafts, and what she calls 'potions' and what I call 'a mess that might become chemistry'. I know she will have a more positive childhood if I can bring in some childcare to allow me to have the energy to be the mother that I want to be. Thank you for considering the care of my most favourite person in the world.

Please visit https://canadiannanny.ca/jobs/i-am-a-single-mom-by-choice-with-beautiful-happy-daughter-and-offering-my-soul-or-an-hourly-rate-for-help-her-canadian-nanny-job-winnipeg-mb to view full details and to apply. FREE REGISTRATION and lots of jobs to choose from!

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Apply - I am a single mom with a beautiful, happy 7 year old. I work ful