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  • jobs
  • 1 month ago

jobs description

Hello! I’m looking for an experienced nanny who can help look after my 8 month old while I work from home 1-2 days a week starting in 2025. I’m ideally looking for someone who has a lot of knowledge when it comes to infant sleep, has first hand experience with very alert babies/difficult sleepers, and can successfully continue our baby’s sleep and wake window schedule - e.g. contact naps if necessary. Baby has been sleep trained but regularly relapses for naps. I’m still breastfeeding, and you can also take breaks while I’m feeding. I’m willing to do a trial and let’s see if it works out!
Things that are a must to our family:
- Must have good hygiene, washing hand before handing the baby etc. staying home if even slightly sick, no strong scents.
- CPR and police clearance
- Knowledge of infant sleep and sticking to sleep schedule and wake windows
- We don’t want someone who is going to be on their phone the whole time
- Need to actively participate in playtime - singing and reading etc. We do independent play, but always supervised.
- Baby must be in safe place during bathroom breaks.

Please visit https://canadiannanny.ca/jobs/seeking-experienced-nanny-in-calgary-alberta-35hr-apply-now-canadian-job-ab-2 to view full details and to apply. FREE REGISTRATION and lots of jobs to choose from!

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Apply - ISO Calgary nanny at $25/hr once a week. Most important - you ca