PELHAM CITY SCHOOLS3160 Pelham Parkway, Pelham, AL 35124205-624-3700JOB POSTINGS - April 17, 2024Title: Custodians Rank II-12 Month - School locations to be assignedRank II - 8 hours per day and 12 months / 240 day position Rank I - 8 hours per day and 10 months / 200 day positionQualifications• Meet suitability criteria for employment and/or certification/licensure under the Alabama ...Child Protection Act of 1999 and Act No. 2002-457 (Must pass background screening).• Must have the physical strength, agility, dexterity, acuity and mobility to performjob responsibilities.• Must have the ability to maintain good interpersonal relationships• High school graduate or equivalent (GED) and academic competency in basic skills(*may be waived by the superintendent only)• Such alternatives to the qualifications listed above or below as the Board of Education may find appropriate and acceptableJob Description: Carry out all duties related to job as assigned by supervisorSalary And Terms Of EmploymentBased on Pelham City Schools salary scheduleDaily rate ranges from $132.09 to $151.91 with the following annual ranges Rank I - $26,419 to $30,381 Rank II - $31,702 to $36,458Reports ToSuperintendent, Principal, or Supervisors as designated by the Superintendent or Principal• Applicants should also notify Pelham City Schools Assistant Superintendent at• Contact Pelham City Schools with questions regarding application processThe Pelham City Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, or age in its programs, activities, or employment practices.
Pelham AL United States