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  • 2 months ago

jobs description

Work in the cutting edge of the STEM field. You will build skills in electronics and technology to conduct advanced radar and computer repair on world-class equipment.

Similar Jobs: Electronics Technician, Computer Repair Technician, Robotics Technician

Electronics, Hardware Repair, Maintenance Services, Robotics, Systems Administration/Management

About the Company:
United States Army


The Army, as one of the three military departments (Army, Navy and Air Force) reporting to the Department of Defense, is composed of two distinct and equally important components: the active component and the reserve components. The reserve components are the United States Army Reserve and the Army National Guard.

Regardless of component, the Army conducts both operational and institutional missions. The operational Army consists of numbered armies, corps, divisions, brigades, and battalions that conduct full spectrum operations around the world. The institutional Army supports the operational Army. Institutional organizations provide the infrastructure necessary to raise, train, equip, deploy, and ensure the readiness of all Army forces. The training base provides military skills and professional education to every Soldier—as well as members of sister services and allied forces. It also allows the Army to expand rapidly in time of war. The industrial base provides world-class equipment and logistics for the Army. Army installations provide the power-projection platforms required to deploy land forces promptly to support combatant commanders. Once those forces are deployed, the institutional Army provides the logistics needed to support them.

Without the institutional Army, the operational Army cannot function. Without the operational Army, the institutional Army has no purpose.


To deploy, fight and win our nation’s wars by providing ready, prompt and sustained land dominance by Army forces across the full spectrum of conflict as part of the joint force.

The Army mission is vital to the Nation because we are the service capable of defeating enemy ground forces and indefinitely seizing and controlling those things an adversary prizes most – its land, its resources and its population.

Company Size:
10,000 employees or more

Government and Military


Rio Del Mar CA United States


Apply - Robotics Technician Rio Del Mar