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  • jobs
  • 1 month ago

jobs description

We are looking for Barnsley Carers for Barnsley Children
• Being a foster carer is an exciting and rewarding opportunity to help vulnerable children.

Join us and help make a difference to a child’s life.
• We particularly welcome foster carers who could support children over 10 years old and help us keep brothers and sisters together. However we are looking for anyone who could offer a home to children of any age from birth to eighteen and even into early adulthood through our Staying Put and proposed Supported Lodgings Schemes.
• You will be a key member of the Team Around the Child, which includes professionals from Social Work, Health and Education who will support you to care for the child in your home and assist you in the task of being a foster carer.
• You must have a place in your heart, life and your home for a child.
• You must have the skills to nurture a child and ensure that they have the full experience of family life.
• This is a full time role, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, fifty two weeks a year requiring you to integrate a child into your whole life and family network.
• You will need to go through an assessment process and preferably have some previous experience of caring for children.
• For further details check out our Website, Facebook page and Twitter Skill Based Fee Scheme applies to all foster carers in Barnsley
• If you think Fostering is for you please contact the Fostering Team 01226 775876 for an informal discussion.
Barnsley United Kingdom


Apply - Foster Carers Barnsley