Our Opportuity:
Chewy is seekig a Software Egieer III (AI/ML) i oe of our hub locatios for our customer service techology team. This is a high-profile positio that will have exposure across the etire busiess, ifluecig the visio ad implemetatio of architecture, desig ad features for a AI platform. Chewy’s missio is to empower pet parets to make smarter decisios about products for their pets. The role will allow you to act as a Idividual Cotributor, part of a team of strog egieers buildig fuctioality to improve Chewy’s customer servicig capabilities usig AI ad ML.
What You’ll Do:
• You will participate i workig with all the top egieers at Chewy to evolve the architecture directio of all developmet at Chewy
• You will be resposible for desig, developmet, itegratig, traiig, delivery, fie-tuig ad support of large-scale AI/LLM models
• You will be the egieerig lead. You will work with the team ad other parter teams to defie our techical roadmap
• You will drive iovatio through rapid prototypig ad iterative developmet
• Coach ad metor egieers o the team
What You’ll Need:
• 10 years of experiece i Software Developmet as a software egieer
• 3+ years of buildig ad desigig ML applicatio platforms at scale
• 3+ years of back-ed Java experiece
• 3+ years of experiece with NLP
• 1+ years of experiece with Geerative AI
• Strog kowledge of Pytho
• Kowledge of cloud & orchestratio techologies (AWS Services, Terraform, Jekis, etc)
• Kowledge of professioal software egieerig practices for the full software developmet lifecycle icludig codig stadards, code reviews, source cotrol maagemet, build processes, testig, ad operatios
• Strog commuicatio skills as well as experiece i metorig ad educatig your peers
Bous (if applicable):
• Master’s or PhD i Machie Learig
• Experiece i e-commerce ad/or customer service techology
• Experiece deployig large scale eural etworks i a productio eviromet
Chewy is committed to equal opportuity. We value ad embrace diversity ad iclusio of all Team Members. If you have a disability uder the Americas with Disabilities Act or similar law, ad you eed a accommodatio durig the applicatio process or to perform these job requiremets, or if you eed a religious accommodatio, please cotact CAAR@chewy.com .
If you have a questio regardig your applicatio, please cotact HR@chewy.com .
To access Chewy's Customer Privacy Policy, please click here (https://www.chewy.com/app/cotet/privacy) . To access Chewy's Califoria CPRA Job Applicat Privacy Policy, please click here (https://chewyic.pheompro.com/us/e/privacy-policy) .
Newburyport MA United States