

How Is Current Technology Affecting Your Field Service Teams?
1 year ago

Field service software solutions can make a huge impact on business processes and procedures. Given that this industry is one of the most demanding ones, the deployment of new tech should be coupled with appropriate training programs.

So far, so good. This much general knowledge every organization is aware of. When it comes to specific cases and actual implementation procedures, things may get complicated.

To avoid this, businesses should familiarize themselves with the range of software solutions available and pinpoint only those that align with company goals.

Some apps are simpler than others but they should integrate with other software solutions nevertheless.

Let’s take a look at some points of interest and options to choose from.


Field Service Automation Software

Field service workflows are complex and, often, non-linear. As such, they can use all the help they can get.

Usually, multiple software solutions are combined to streamline every step of each process, including software for job scheduling, as well as apps that track time for landscapers and more.

Don’t overlook the effects of electronic proof of delivery; nowadays, there are highly sophisticated apps capable of curbing the complexities of the shipping process.

As a rule, field service automation software solutions streamline administrative tasks, break them into smaller chunks, and provide actionable insights. The latter can prove helpful in case of any unpredictability, as adjustments are easier to administer.

Service automation software solutions help field workers to keep track of work orders and parts, and help with real-time service management.


Opt for a field service solution capable of automating all critical field service operation functions, including asset management, inspection, order management, scheduling, processing, billing, and invoicing.

Optional features include remote monitoring, mobile access, and predictive analytics.


Inventory Management Software

Inventory management goes beyond warehouse tracking. In actual fact, it includes items in stock and all parts of all products (or, in some cases, services).

Because there are too many factors to keep track of, inventory management can benefit greatly from automation software solutions. However, picking the right app might prove challenging, as there are multiple functionalities to consider and the software isn’t cheap.


RFID Tagging Devices

Devices that deploy radio frequency identification (RFID) tagging use radio frequency to identify objects, people, and animals. RFID tag readers can help with collecting data on field technicians and inventory.

When combined with field service automation software, RFID tagging devices can assist with log information and instructions.   


Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics deploys statistical and modeling techniques to predict future outcomes and performance.

It is being used left and right to uphold a number of organizational processes, with field service benefiting the most.

Predictive analytics combines various statistical techniques (e.g., data mining, automated machine learning algorithms, deep learning, and artificial intelligence) to create predictive models and scores for various business outcomes.

The three predictive analytics techniques are:

  •         Predictive models
  •         Descriptive models
  •         Decision models

Predictive field service management uses analytics to ensure optimal team performance. The focus is on service delivery and customer-related data.


Safety Training Software

Workers need to learn how to avoid workspace injuries. Construction businesses, therefore, must provide the necessary education, which should include the following topics:

  •         Tool and equipment safety
  •         Gear and safety measures
  •         Ground checks (spills and objects that can cause tripping)
  •         Mechanical assistance for heavy objects
  •         Emergency exits best practices (keep them accessible and unobstructed)
  •         Location of first aid kits
  •         Signage for identifying hazardous areas and materials
  •         First aid personnel (who to go to in case of an injury)


EHS Software

Workplace safety should always top the list of priorities of any business. Educating your workforce is a must, and there are various regulations to keep in mind.

For starters, businesses need to establish a positive corporate attitude towards worker safety and set up training programs addressing all aspects of employee wellbeing.

Establishing safety responsibility means ensuring that the organization is ensuring worker safety and that workers are in line with safety procedures and measures.

Typically, work safety hazards include:

  •         Ergonomic hazards (improper posture, sitting, heavy lifting, etc.) 
  •         Biological hazards (mold, fungi, insects, animals, bacteria, viruses, poisonous plants, blood, and bodily fluids)
  •         Chemical hazards (acids, solvents, paints, cleaning products and similar liquids, vapors, acetylene, helium, propane, carbon monoxide and other gases, flammable materials, and pesticides)

While training programs are the first choice, education-wise, it should be known that new tech has made it all the way to worker safety.

Scilicet, there are many software solutions that streamline safety monitoring procedures, thereby establishing a safety management system that minimizes worker health risks. These usually fall under the Environmental, Health, & Safety (EHS) tools, the most notable ones of which include Safesite, SpheraCloud by Sphera, Assure by Evotix, XAFY Safety App, and SafetyCulture.

Some of these tools can get quite expensive depending on the functionalities they offer. Therefore, it is crucial to compare offers and features and find the best mixture.


Safety Training Software

Workspace injuries should be avoided at all costs. Construction businesses should go way beyond managing health risks; they need to provide education.

Common topics include:  

  •         Tool and equipment safety
  •         Gear and safety measures
  •         Ground checks (spills and objects that can cause tripping)
  •         Mechanical assistance for heavy objects
  •         Emergency exits best practices (keep them accessible and unobstructed)
  •         Location of first aid kits
  •         Signage for identifying hazardous areas and materials
  •         First aid personnel (who to go to in case of an injury)

Now, with eLearning and mLearning changing the approach to education, workplace safety training has become easier to organize than ever.

In fact, there are various apps suited specifically to small, medium, and large businesses, all of which employ a user-friendly approach.


Empowering Field Service Workers

As you can see, new tech has covered all field service processes literally. Companies can truly leave a good deal of training and management to novel apps. The only problem is: they can be costly.

That’s why it is crucial to compare offers before buying a license blindly.