Selenium is an open-source automation testing tool that is widely used for testing web applications. It provides a set of tools and libraries that can be used to automate web browser interactions, allowing testers to execute tests against a wide range of web applications.
In this article, we will explore the basics of Selenium and how to get started with automation testing using this powerful tool.
What is Selenium?
Selenium is an open-source automation testing framework that is used for testing web applications. It provides a set of tools and libraries that can be used to automate web browser interactions, allowing testers to execute tests against a wide range of web applications.
Selenium is comprised of three primary components:
Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment): This is a browser-based tool that can be used to record and playback tests. It provides an easy-to-use interface that allows testers to record test cases and then play them back later.
Selenium WebDriver: This is the core of Selenium and provides a programming interface to control web browsers. WebDriver allows testers to interact with web pages using a variety of programming languages.
Selenium Grid: This is a tool that can be used to execute tests across multiple browsers and platforms in parallel. It allows testers to distribute their tests across multiple machines, reducing test execution time.
Getting Started with Selenium
To get started with Selenium, you will need to perform the following steps:
Install Selenium: The first step is to install Selenium. Selenium can be installed using the package manager for your programming language. For example, if you are using Python, you can install Selenium using pip.
Install a web driver: The next step is to install a web driver. A web driver is a program that communicates with a specific browser to control it. There are web drivers available for all major browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.
Write a test script: Once Selenium and the web driver are installed, you can start writing your first test script. A test script is a program that uses Selenium to automate web browser interactions.
Writing Your First Test Script
Let's walk through the process of writing your first test script using Selenium WebDriver in Python.
Step 1: Import the necessary modules
The first step is to import the necessary modules. In this case, we need to import the Selenium WebDriver and time modules.
from selenium import webdriver
import time
Step 2: Start the web driver
The next step is to start the web driver. In this example, we will be using the Chrome web driver.
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
Step 3: Navigate to a web page
Once the web driver is started, we can navigate to a web page. In this example, we will navigate to the Google homepage.
Step 4: Perform a search
Now that we are on the Google homepage, we can perform a search. In this example, we will search for "Selenium".
search_box = driver.find_element_by_name("q")
Step 5: Wait for the search results
Once the search is submitted, we need to wait for the search results to load. In this example, we will wait for 5 seconds.
Step 6: Verify the search results
Finally, we can verify that the search results contain the term "Selenium".
assert "Selenium" in driver.title
Step 7: Close the web driver
Once the test is complete, we need to close the web driver.
Running Your Test Script
To run the test script.
Selenium Training in Chennai is a leading provider of Selenium training. They offer up-to-date and practical training programs so that you can get certified. If you are looking for a job, or if you want to move up the ranks, then this course will be perfect for you. With Selenium Training in Chennai‘s certification program, your skillset will be top notch and you will be able to land the position you deserve in your career field.