

Advance Your Career with Blockchains Certification
1 year ago

Blockchain has transformed into something more than a technology. It is a massive trend right now and offers the ground for new and innovative applications with humongous transformative potential. Blockchain technology can help in increasing global GDP by almost $1.76 trillion by 2030. 

The impressive numbers about the popularity and potential of blockchain technology also imply promising blockchain career opportunities. How can you make the most of these opportunities right now? The collection of blockchain courses on 101 Blockchains could serve as an effective answer for helping you with the answer. Let us take a look at the basic information about blockchain training courses on 101 Blockchains.

Top Blockchain Certifications on 101 Blockchains

The ambition to achieve the identity of a certified blockchain expert can guide you toward the best blockchain certification platforms. You must have a clear idea of your blockchain career goals and how the blockchain certifications fit into the equations. Here is an outline of the different certifications you can pursue on 101 Blockchains.

  • Certified Enterprise Blockchain Professional

The first certification on 101 Blockchains is the Certified Enterprise Blockchain Professional credential. It helps you in proving your knowledge of using blockchain in business environments. The CEBP certification proves that you not only understand blockchain but can also communicate it to other individuals in the organization. 

  • Certified Enterprise Blockchain Architect

The growth rate of the blockchain ecosystem depends on blockchain architects and developers. The Certified Enterprise Blockchain Architect certification proves skills and knowledge of blockchain architecture and the best practices for dApp development. You can develop your fluency in blockchain development platform modeling and cost considerations of creating blockchain solutions. The CEBA certification can offer significant advantages in pursuing different roles as a developer. 

  • Certified Blockchain Security Expert

The career path for a certified blockchain professional can also draw attention to concepts of blockchain security. You can choose the Certified Blockchain Security Expert certification to expand your professional portfolio. The certification training course evaluates the candidate's understanding of blockchain security risks at different levels of blockchain solutions. In addition, CBSE certification helps you prove your knowledge of threat modeling on blockchain networks. It also proves that you can develop secure dApps. 

  • Certified NFT Professional

The next top choice in the 101 Blockchains certification list would refer to the NFT professional certification. The Certified NFT Professional certification covers the fundamentals of NFTs alongside the technology powering up the NFTs. You can use the certification training course to learn more about the use cases of NFTs and the economies associated with them. The CNFTP certification training course also covers practical aspects such as developing your own non-fungible token collection. 

  • Certified Metaverse Professional

The blockchain certifications on 101 Blockchains for advancing your career would also include references to Certified Metaverse Professional certification. Metaverse is an emerging concept in the domain of decentralized technology, and a metaverse certification could serve as a unique addition to a blockchain professional's portfolio. The CMP certification training course helps you learn about technologies powering the metaverse and practical methods for using the metaverse.   

  • Certified Web3 Professional 

The final and most recent addition among the blockchain certifications on 101 Blockchains refers to the Certified Web3 Professional certification. You can identify the importance of blockchain for growing web3 and different use cases of web3. Another prominent highlight of the CW3P training course refers to insights into benefits and challenges of web3. Furthermore, the certification training course also offers a detailed overview of how web3, blockchain, NFTs, metaverse and DeFi are related to each other.

Final Words

The different blockchain certifications available on 101 Blockchains can help you become a certified blockchain expert with proven credentials. The blockchain training and certification platform has helped a massive community of learners, blockchain professionals, practitioners and enthusiasts. If you want to pursue a career in blockchain, you must ensure that you develop your skills continuously. 

The support of 101 Blockchains has guided many individuals toward their desired learning objectives for everything related to blockchain technology. Certifications from a credible blockchain certification and training platform could ensure viable options for taking your career graph higher. Learn more about the different 101 Blockchains certifications in detail and start your journey as a blockchain professional now.