

What You Need to Know About Bacterial Arthritis
2 years ago

Bacterial arthritis, also known as septic arthritis and infectious arthritis, is a rare but potentially fatal infection of one or more joints. When an infection spreads to a joint, it causes inflammation of the joint and surrounding tissues.

Septic arthritis and infectious arthritis are terms used to describe infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi. "Bacterial arthritis," on the other hand, refers to bacteria as the cause of infectious or septic arthritis.

Inflammation occurs at the surface of the cartilage lining joints and the synovial fluid responsible for lubricating the joints in bacterial arthritis. Bacteria can cause an infection that spreads through the bloodstream and infects a joint.

The article will discuss the symptoms, causes, and treatment of bacterial arthritis.

Bacterial Arthritis Symptoms

Swelling, pain, and stiffness are the most common symptoms of bacterial arthritis. It is typically monoarticular, meaning-affecting only one joint. It may also cause other arthritis and infection symptoms, such as warmth in the affected joint and fever.

Chills, fatigue, general weakness, inability to move the affected joint, severe, intense pain in the affected joints and skin rash are additional symptoms of bacterial arthritis.

Bacteria can also be the cause of reactive arthritis. The symptoms of reactive arthritis are caused by the body's response to an infection elsewhere, not by bacteria infecting the joint. It is frequently brought on by a gastrointestinal (digestive tract) infection or a sexually transmitted infection (STI).

Causes of Bacterial Arthritis 

Bacterial arthritis is caused by bacteria that enter the bloodstream and spread to the joints. It can also result from a bacterial infection at an open wound or surgical opening after surgery, as in the case of bacterial arthritis in a knee after a knee replacement.

If infected with Staphylococcus or Streptococcus, both children and adults can develop bacterial arthritis.

The bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae (responsible for STI gonorrhea) is a common cause of bacterial arthritis in sexually active people.

Inflammation, pain, and other arthritis symptoms will occur if bacteria from any of these sources enter the bloodstream and infect a joint.

Risk Factors 

Septic arthritis is most common in young children, elderly people, and people with compromised immune systems. However, anyone who is at risk of contracting bacteria in a joint is more likely to develop septic arthritis.

Anyone with an existing joint condition, such as rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, joint damage, recent joint surgery, a skin infection, a history of intravenous drug use, or who has been on long-term antibiotic therapy may be eligible.

According to studies, bacterial arthritis affects 4 to 60 people per 100,000 people each year. Immunocompromised people and those with prosthetic joints are at a higher risk.


Bacterial arthritis must be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible because if left untreated, it can spread to other joints and cause joint damage. If not treated promptly and adequately, it can result in the rapid destruction of your joints.

Bacterial arthritis symptoms can be subtle, which can delay appropriate diagnosis and treatment. It can also be mistaken for other types of arthritis, particularly inflammatory types such as gout and psoriatic arthritis.

A physical examination of the affected joint is usually used to make a diagnosis of bacterial arthritis. Your healthcare provider will also inquire about your symptoms and any other conditions you may have.

A physical exam and a medical history aren't usually enough to rule out bacterial arthritis. As a result, your doctor will order additional tests such as joint fluid analysis, X-rays or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and blood work.


Bacterial arthritis is a medical emergency that requires hospitalization. If your doctor diagnoses you with septic arthritis, you will most likely be admitted to the hospital for arthritis treatment.

Antibiotics and draining synovial fluid from infected joints are used to treat bacterial arthritis. If infectious arthritis is caused by a virus or fungus, it may be treated with antiviral or antifungal medications. The analysis of joint fluid aids in determining the source of infection.

Your doctor may drain the fluid from the affected joint to remove harmful bacteria. They will do this with a syringe or through arthroscopy, which involves making a small incision and inserting a drainage tube into the affected joint.

The majority of people who develop bacterial arthritis recover completely after treatment. However, if left untreated, bacterial arthritis can cause permanent joint and tissue damage.

Bacterial arthritis can also result in osteomyelitis, a bone infection. Osteonecrosis can result from severe osteomyelitis (bone death). Bacterial arthritis can be fatal if left untreated.