One of the most common life-threatening diseases in the world is malaria. It is endemic in Africa and in other tropical areas across the globe. This disease is caused by Plasmodium parasite transmitted from one person to another through the bites of the female Anopheles mosquito. Mosquitoes are otherwise known as malaria vectors because they carry these parasites. Although there are five species of Plasmodium, the greatest threat is posed by Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum. The most common and prevalent species of Plasmodium on the African continent responsible for malaria-related deaths is the Plasmodium falciparum. In most countries outside the sub-Saharan Africa, the dominant species is the Plasmodium vivax. Once bitten by an infected female Anopheles mosquito, symptoms of malaria usually appears between 10 to 15 days. These symptoms include; fever, headache, and pain in joints. If this illness is not treated, it will definitely result to death. Some groups of people are very vulnerable to malaria infection. Such groups include; pregnant women, patients with HIV/AIDS, mobile population, expatriates and children under the age of 5.
Plasmodium parasite is transmitted by the female anopheles. Marshy environments are host to these mosquitoes. Mosquitoes reproduce more in the rainy season when humidity is high. When these female mosquitoes lay their eggs in such environments, the eggs hatch into larva, and finally develop fully into an adult mosquito (this process of transformation from eggs to larvae to adult is commonly known as metamorphosis). A mosquito bites and sucks blood with the help of its proboscis. During this process, the female anopheles releases an anti coagulant through this proboscis to stop blood from clotting. In an infected mosquito this anti coagulant is very rich in plasmodium parasites. It is through this process that the plasmodium parasites get into the blood stream of the prey. Transmission of malaria parasites depend on several factors. These factors include, climatic conditions (temperature, humidity and rainfall patterns), and the immune system of individuals. Movement into certain areas may result in exposure to risk of infection especially people with weaker immune systems.
It should be noted that mosquitoes do not transmit malaria only (there are approximately 3500 species of mosquitoes and each transmits a particular disease or diseases to other animals.). They transmit other diseases such as yellow fever, dengue fever, filariasis, West Nile and Japanese encephalitis. The anopheles is responsible for malaria and filariasis, the Aedes responsible for yellow fever, dengue, chikungunya and Culex is responsible for the West Nile, Japanese encephalitis, filariasis). Statistics have proven that each year, approximately a hundred million of people suffer from dengue fever.
As often said, prevention is better than cure. Many preventive measures have been put in place to prevent the spread of this deadly parasite. One of these preventive measures is to use a mosquito repellent which is the key interest of this document.
Mosquito Repellents
Mosquito repellents are substances applied to the skin and other surfaces which discourage the landing of mosquitoes. The repellents simply make the human body unattractive to mosquitoes. Mosquito repellents are of different types; natural, synthetic or artificial, and electrical. There is need to properly select the best mosquito repellents to use because mosquito repellents do not actually protect all users equally. Certain elements just like the age, level of pastime, and attractiveness of the human using the repellent, are supposed to be taken into consideration because they have an influence on the effectiveness of the mosquito repellent. Many factors are taken into consideration when choosing a mosquito repellent. One needs to know if malaria is endemic in the area, the population of mosquitoes, the temperature and humidity of the area. The best mosquito repellents are ranked based on the time that the product will continue to repel the mosquitoes after being applied to the skin. This time is referred to as the Complete Protection Time (CPT).
Natural Mosquito Repellents
Some people may be allergic to synthetic mosquito repellents and may prefer to use natural mosquito repellents. Some researchers in reviews of mosquito repellents have labeled natural mosquito repellents as weak repellents in terms of effectiveness but the idea of using natural repellents is still questionable to many other people. Natural mosquito repellents are simply plant extracts which when applied to the skin makes the body unattractive to mosquitoes. They include a variety of plant based chemicals. Lemon grass, citronella, peppermint, geraniol, soybean, and rosemary are some of the natural mosquito repellents. Although natural mosquitoe repellents are simply oil distilled from plants, it does not necessarily mean that all these natural products are safe (most people tend to conclude that the term “natural” means “safe”). Natural repellents are assumed to be safer than synthetic repellents.
These distilled oils from plants have constituents ranging from hydrocarbons (terpenes and sesquiterpenes) and oxygenated compounds (alcohols, phenols, esters, ethers, lactones, aldehydes, ketones). Some common and most essential components of this distilled oil from plants that effectively repel mosquitoes include α-pinene, cineole, eugenol, limonene, camphor, terpinolene, thymol, citronellol, and citronella.
Energetic Substances in Herbal Mosquito Repellents
Lemon eucalyptus Oil: This natural mosquito repellent has been used since 1940s. Eucalyptus oil has been approved as an effective ingredient in repelling mosquitoes by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It has been proven recently by some researchers that 32 percent of eucalyptus oil provides about 95 percent mosquito protection. This protection lasts just for about three hours. However, one cannot recommend this for people living in areas where the population of mosquitoes is very high because it has a short Complete Protection Time (CPT). It will be stressful waking up from sleep after every three hours to renew the mosquito repellent. It can be considered as one of the best mosquito repellent for short duration.
Eucalyptus plant contains the chemical p-Menthane-3,8-diol which is a result of the breakdown of menthol. This chemical p-Menthane-3,8-diol is known to effectively repel mosquitoes. The chemical poses a threat to the eyes of rabbits.
Lavender: Lavender (the species commonly known as English Lavender) is a flower with a fresh, sweet, floral and herbaceous aroma. The fragrance and oil from crushed lavender flowers can be used to repel mosquitoes. Oil from lavender effectively repels adult mosquitoes. In addition to the fact that Lavender repels mosquitoes, it has antifungal, analgesic and antiseptic qualities that can calm and soothe the skin. To apply this, simply harvest the lavender, crush it, extract the oil and apply it to exposed areas like arms and legs. You can also drop some of the oil from Lavender on a clean cloth and rub the skin.
Cinnamon Oil: cinnamon oil can destroy mosquito eggs and effectively repel adult mosquitoes. To apply this, prepare a diluted one percent (1/4 teaspoon) of the oil for every 4 ounces of water. This solution can be sprayed directly onto the skin, clothing or around the house. Care should be taken when preparing this solution because a highly concentrated solution can irritate the skin.
Thyme oil: This is an evergreen perennial herb. Thyme oil is regarded as one of the best natural mosquito repellents. This was proven through studies on an animal whereby the application of thyme oil offered 91 percent protection rate. Studies have also proven that the burning of thyme leaves offer a protection rate of 85 percent with a Complete Protection Time between an hour to one and the half hour. Therefore in an environment infested with mosquitoes, burning of thyme will effectively repel mosquitoes. This can be done in the house or around the house. Thyme can be mixed in several ways before application. One can decide to mix 4 drops of thyme oil to every teaspoon of base oil or 5 drops of thyme oil to 2 ounces of water (the mixture of 5 drops of thyme with 2 ounces of water goes for a spray).
Greek catnip oil: This is a short-lived perennial, herbaceous plant native to southern and Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East. It can grow to a height of about 50cm to 100cm with coarse toothed leaves which appear to be triangular or elliptical in shape. The extract and oil from this plant is very important in repelling mosquitoes. The application of this catnip oil gives a Complete Protection Time between two to three hours. It has been concluded by some researchers that catnip oil is 10 times more effective in repelling mosquitoes than DEET.
Soybean oil: soybean is a very common cultivated crop. It is mainly cultivated and used as food ingredient (its oil used in baked food, salad dressing and fried food especially in the United States of America where three million pounds of soybean are consumed every year).Soybean oil provides a long-lasting Complete Protection Time for mosquitoes. A combination of soybean oil and lemon grass is capable of repelling different species of mosquitoes. Some researchers have discovered that soybean oil offers a Complete Protection Time between five to eight hours. This CPT also varies depending on the species of the mosquito.
Citronella: This is one of the most common natural mosquitoe repellents. This effective natural repellent is a combination of herbs (a mixture of more than 80 different compounds), and a common ingredient in many mosquito repellents. Citronella candles can provide 50 percent extra protection when you are outdoors. A properly formulated citronella product is as effective as DEET. It has a Complete Protection Time of about 2 hours. An improperly formulated product may leave you unprotected because the citronella will quickly evaporate. Oil from citronella has been registered and used as mosquito repellent in the United States of America since 1948. Reviews of mosquitoe repellents have shown that citronella has antifungal properties and the application of this product on household materials prevents pets from destroying them. Citronella oil has been classified as Ceylon type (18-20 percent geraniol, 9-11 percent limonene, 7-11 percent methyl isoeugenol, 6-8 percent citronellol and 5-15 percent citronellal) and java type (32-45 percent citronellal, 11-13 percent geraniol, 3-8 percent geranyl acetate and 1-4 percent lemonene). The Ceylon and Java types are therefore the two chemotypes of citronella. Citronella is also known as an effective repellent in repelling dengue fever mosquito (Aedes aegypti). Camphor, eucalyptol, eugenol, linalool, citronellal and citral are most active compounds in citronella that repels mosquitoes. Citronella can effectively repel stable flies, body louse and head louse. Citronella is one of the best natural mosquito repellents because it is not toxic nor has it any adverse effect (some repellents especially geraniol and the synthetic, have an adverse effect on children and very sensitive individuals).
Tea tree oil: this oil has been known for its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic homes applications but recent research has proven that it is an effective insect repellent. It is a popular essential oil from Australia and repellents containing this oil can effectively repel mosquitoes, biting midges and bush flies.
Geraniol: This is a type of alcohol (of plant origin like citronella, lemon grass and rose) commonly used as frangrance. The first effective product known to contain DEET according to research carried in the late 1990s at the University of Florida is geraniol. It is an important ingredient in mosquito repellent with a Complete Protection Time between two to four hours. The Complete Protection Time varies depending on the species. During its application, it is very important to read instructions on the container. Geraniol may cause eye and skin irritation so it is advisable to avoid contact with the eyes or apply it onto a very sensitive skin.
Neem oil: There have been some mix results on the effectiveness of neem oil in repelling mosquitoes. It has recently been discovered during studies conducted in Ethiopia that neem oil can offer 70 percent protection against mosquitoes. It has a Complete Protection Time of about three hours. Neem oil is not actually the best mosquito repellent because it can result in skin irritation. Its usage requires the dilution of 50 to 100 milliliters of neem oil in lotion, oil or water. Extra virgin, cold-pressed neem oil is actually the most important.
Types of Natural Mosquito Repellents
36 hour Mosquito Repellent: This mosquito repellent is ideal for great camping, summer sports and fishing. 36 hour mosquito repellent is a non toxic DEET free repellent with a very long Complete Protection Time (capable of offering protection for 36 hours). It simply exists as patches not spray. It is the most appropriate mosquito repellent ideal for tourists. The application procedure simply implies sticking the patches to your clothes, shoes, bag or hat. Additional protection is offered by sticking many patches. The active ingredients are Citronella oil, Peppermint oil, and lemon grass oil. This is a natural mosquito repellent which is very safe and works instantly. It is manufactured by Scentpellent and has a weight of 0.8 ounce.
Repel 94109 Lemon Eucalyptus Natural Insect Repellent: This is a plant-based oil, DEET free mosquito repellent whose active ingredient is oil from lemon eucalyptus (this oil is obtained specifically from the leaves of the Eucalyptus citriodora tree). It is one of the best natural mosquito repellents which is safe and has a cool and refreshing scent (the refreshing scent is due to the presence of lemon eucalyptus oil). Oil distilled from Lemon eucalyptus had been recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Repel 94109 Lemon Eucalyptus Natural Insect Repellent offers a Complete Protection Time of up to 6 hours. You can spray it directly onto the skin and on clothing to enhance its effectiveness. It is not advisable to spray it directly on the face, but rather, spray on the hands then apply on the face gently. This product can be re-applied depending on the individual. It should not be used for children below the age of three. This product cannot be used on animals. It causes allergies, and can also draw in bees and yellow jackets.
OFF! Botanical Plant Based Insect Repellent: This is another best brand of natural mosquito repellents with a unique formula. OFF! Botanical Plant Based Insect Repellent contains the insect repellent that is found in Eucalyptus plant. This product is very effective in repelling mosquitoes and has a light, clean, fresh fragrance. It is not greasy or sticky and is DEET free.
All Terrain Herbal Armor DEET-Free Natural Insect Repellent: It is a highly effective mosquito repellent. All Terrain Herbal Armor DEET-Free Natural Insect Repellent makes use of 6 natural repelling oils (the total concentration of these 6 oils is 25 percent). Herbal Armor contains 11.5 percent soybean oil, 10.0 percent citronella oil, 2.0 percent peppermint oil, 1.5 percent cedar oil, 1.00 percent of lemongrass oil and 0.5 percent of geranium oil. It has a Complete Protection Time between 2 to 3 hours depending on the concentration of the active ingredients. This product is safe for highly sensitive skins (non-irritating and allergy tested). Herbal Armor is water-resistant, sweat resistant, and does not damage clothing or equipments.
EcoSmart Organic Insect Repellent: This is another effective mosquito repellent that comes as a mosquito spray. The active ingredient in this organic insect repellent is wintergreen oil. EcoSmart Organic Insect Repellent is also known to contain 1.0 percent of geraniol, 0.5 percent of rosemary oil, 0.5 percent of cinnamon oil and 0.5 percent of lemongrass oil. It is DEET free and provides a good fresh, minty scent. Its mode of application requires that you simply spray directly onto the skin. For children, you can spray on their socks, shoes and clothing.
Cutter Lemon Eucalyptus Insect repellent: Repel 94109 Lemon Eucalyptus Natural Insect Repellent and Cutter Lemon Eucalyptus Insect repellent are both produced by the same company. Cutter Lemon Eucalyptus is designed to effectively repel mosquitoes and kill insects. The active ingredient in this mosquito repellent is oil from lemon eucalyptus (the essential oil is distilled from the leaves of eucalyptus tree). This product is completely natural and DEET free with a Complete Protection Time of 6 hours. To apply this mosquito repellent, you can spray it directly on the skin or spray on the hands and gently apply on the skin. Care should be taken when applying this product on the face; avoid contact with eyes and mouth. You can also spray this mosquito repellent on clothing to enhance protection. It is advisable to apply cutter lemon eucalyptus mosquito repellent just twice a day. It is one of the best mosquito repellents since it is DEET free. One disadvantage of cutter mosquito spray is that it has a very strong nice smell, which some individuals find irritating. Cutter mosquito spray can cause allergies and it is not safe to use on animals. It easily absorbs into your skin, clean and non greasy. It is also safe for ki
Fig: Cutter Lemon Eucalyptus Insect repellent
Skedattle Natural Insect Repellent: The active ingredients in this mosquito spray include; citronella oil, lemongrass oil, and peppermint oil. It effectively repels mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, and other annoying or disease carrying insects. This product is completely DEET free and does not pose harm on ecosystem, aquatic world and animals. The fact that is does not pose any harm on animals makes it more preferable compared to mosquito repellents that cannot be used on animals. It is safe for children and has a nice fragrance (the fragrance comes from the active ingredients). It is resistant to water and thus excessive sweating does not affect its protection time. Skedattle natural insect repellent can be sprayed directly on the skin and clothing but it is not advisable to spray directly on the face. It is advised to spray this product on the wrist, ankles and those spots that are often bitten by mosquitoes. Do not apply this mosquito spray on sensitive skin because they can cause rash and allergies. It has a pleasant vanilla scent although the scent is very strong.
Badger Balm Anti-Bug Essential Oil Mosquito Repellent:
This product is manufactured by Badger; a is family owned business. Badger Balm Mosquito repellent comprises of natural oils and organic ingredients. The active ingredients in this mosquito repellent include; citronella, rosemary and wintergreen essential oils. It is DEET-free, ecofriendly and effectively repels mosquito and bugs. From test carried out in the laboratory, this product has no adverse effect on the skin. The container of this mosquito repellent is made of aluminum (which can easily be recycled) and requires that you shake the container well before applying it on the skin. It is neither greasy nor oily and it is also advisable to avoid contact with the eyes. It has a pleasant scent and can also be used on children. Badger Balm mosquito repellent can be re-applied several times per day.
Babyganics Natural Insect Repellent: This mosquito spray is manufactured by Babyganics and the active ingredients include; soybean oil, citronella oil, rosemary oil, geranium oil, peppermint oil, cedar wood and lemongrass oil. It effectively repels mosquitoes and gnats since it has an extremely rich formula. Its rich formula makes it one of the best natural mosquito repellents. It is advisable to shake the container well before applying the product (product should be applied in small amount). Babyganics Natural insect repellent has a Complete Protection Time of 90 minutes (short protection time) and can be re-applied several times daily. The fact that it does not leave stains or any greasy residue gives it an extra advantage. This repellent can cause skin rash and swelling.
Sweetly Citron Natural Bug Repellent: The active ingredients in Sweetly Citron Natural Bug repellent are; lavender oil, citronella oil, lemon oil and vanilla extracts. This product comes in form of a spray and effectively repels mosquitoes and other insects (ticks and fleas). It has a pleasant scent which results from the mixture of its active ingredients. It has Complete Protection Time of 2 to 4 hours. The fact that it does not leave greasy stains or residue, relative low cost and effectiveness makes it one of the best natural mosquito repellents. It is advisable to shake the container before use, spray on exposed parts of the body.
California Baby Natural Bug Blend Bug Repellent Spray: This product is manufactured by California Baby and comes in the form of a spray. The active ingredients in this repellent include; citronella oil, lemon grass oil and cedar oil. It effectively repels mosquitoes, ticks, fleas and other biting flies. The mixture of active ingredients in this product gives it a light and citrus odor. It is advisable not to apply this product directly on the face, and when spraying the product onto the skin, avoid contact with the eyes and mouth.
Synthetic Mosquito Repellents
The most common synthetic mosquito repellents are DEET (diethyltoluamide), Picaridin (otherwise known as Icaridin) and the IR3535. These are the three most common and active compounds in synthetic mosquito repellents.
Active Ingredients in Synthetic Mosquito Repellents
DEET: This compound was formulated by the US Army in 1950s. Although this compound effectively repels mosquitoes and has a long Complete Protection Time, it is toxic and has some adverse effects on those who use mosquito repellents with high concentration of DEET. This compound has the longest Complete Protection Time compared to other mosquitoe repellents. It is the most widely used and best studied mosquito repellent. It should not be applied on children below two months of age (especially products with concentrations of 30 percent). A repellent with high concentration of DEET simply extends its Complete Protection Time, but does not give any additional protection. There are several brands of DEET which include Off, Cutter, Sawyer and Ultrathin. It is not advisable to apply the DEET on cuts, wounds, highly sensitive skin, around the eyes or mouth.
Permethrin: This is a very good mosquito repellent. It is capable of killing ticks and other insects that land on clothes. Some reviews of mosquito repellents report that, it is advisable to apply this chemical on the cloth (pants, socks) boots, tents and sleeping bags because skin contact deactivates the chemical within fifteen minutes. Permethrin sprays have an effective Complete Protection Time of about fourteen days.
Picaridin: This is another effective ingredient in mosquito repellents which was discovered in 1990s. It is also very effective as DEET. Compared to DEET, it has much pleasant scent. There are several brands of Picaridin which include; Cutter Advanced, Skin So Soft Bug Guard Plus, and Autan. The various formulations that are available range from less than 10 percent up to 20 percent.
IR3535 (3-[N-Butyl-N-acetyl]-aminopropionic acid, ethyl ester): This is the newest mosquito repellent. So Soft Bug Guard Plus Expedition and SkinSmart are two common brands of IR3535.
Synthetic Mosquito Repellents
Repel 100 Insect Repellent: This mosquito repellent has a very high concentration of DEET (approximately 98.11 percent). It is very effective in repelling mosquitoes and offers a Complete Protection Time of about 10 hours. This protection time varies if you sweat excessively or if you are wet. Repel mosquito repellent does not only repel mosquitoes but ticks, chiggers and biting flies. There are larger sizes available for high consumption customers. There are also smaller ones which makes portability easy. This is probably one of the best mosquito repellents to be used in extreme environments.
Sawyer products Premium MAXI-DEET Insect Repellent Spray:
This insect repellent which exists as a spray has a very high concentration of DEET 98.11 percent. DEET is generally the most active ingredient in this spray whereas other ingredients constitute just 1.89 percent. One additional advantage of this mosquito spray is that it is odorless and can be applied on the skin, mosquito nets, head nets or clothing. Sawyer products Premium MAXI-DEET Insect Repellent Spray offers 10 hours effective Complete Protection Time and very effective in areas infested with bugs. It is also one of the best mosquito repellent recommended for those living in extreme environments.
3M Ultrathon Insect Repellent Lotion:
This is a very good insect repellent that protects against mosquitoes, ticks, chiggers, gnats, biting flies, fleas and deer flies. It repels mosquitoes that may carry the commonly known West Nile Virus, and deer ticks that usually cause the Lyme diseases. It was developed and formulated with a very long Complete Protection Time to be used by the military. This mosquito repellent which is in the form of a lotion contains about 34 percent DEET, very easy to apply and has a protection time of about 12 hours. One additional advantage is that it is splash and sweat resistant. This attribute makes it more effective and better than the Repel 100 Insect Repellent whose effectiveness is affected by excessive sweating.
Sawyer Products Premium Permethrin Clothing Insect Repellent Trigger Spray: This mosquito repellent is usually applied on clothes, tents, and other gear. One advantage is that it doesn’t damage or stain any outdoor gear, fabrics, plastics or finished surfaces. It has very less odor and effectively repels mosquitoes and flies and a 12 ounce capacity can treat up to two complete outfits. Sawyer Products Premium Permethrin Clothing Insect Repellent Trigger Spray can last up to 6 weeks or up to 6 washings.
Sawyer Fisherman’s Formula Picaridin: This is one of the most effective mosquito repellents. The active ingredient in this mosquito spray is Picaridin. It repels mosquito and ticks with a complete Protection Time of about 8 hours.
Cutter Backwoods Insect Repellent: This is also a very good mosquito repellent based on it Complete Protection Time. It effectively repels mosquitoes, chiggers, fleas, biting flies and ticks. Cutter Backwoods Insect Repellent contains just 25 percent DEET formula with a protection time of up to 10 hours. One advantage of this mosquito/insect repellent is that it has a sweat resistant formula.
Off! Deep Woods VIII: This mosquito repellent comes as an aerosol spray with DEET as the active ingredient. Off! Deepwoods effectively repels mosquitoes (even mosquitoes that propagate the West Nile Virus), chiggers, ticks, gnats and biting flies.
Coloman 40% DEET Sportsman Insect Repellent: This product effectively repels mosquitoes, ticks, chiggers, and biting flies. It also repels species of mosquitoes which transmit diseases such as the West Nile Virus, encephalitis and dengue fever. The active ingredient in this mosquito/insect repellent is DEED (contains 40 percent DEED). It has a Complete Protection Time of more than 8 hours. Coloman 40% DEET Sportsman Insect Repellent with an unscented formula is non-greasy and resistant to sweat. The aluminum container is lightweight and resistant to rusting. It can spray at any angle.
Off Deep Woods Sportsman Insect Repellent: This repellent is very effective in protecting humans against mosquitoes, ticks, chiggers, biting flies, fleas and gnats. The active ingredient in this product is DEET which constitutes 30 percent and the rest ingredients make up 70 percent. Deep Woods Sportsman repellent has a Complete Protection Time of about 8 hours. It is advisable not to apply this product in cuts, irritated or sunburned skin or wounds. It is also advisable not to spray in enclosed areas.
Off Deep Woods Insect Repellent Wipes: This repellent wipes provide a long lasting protection against mosquitoes, ticks, chiggers, flies, gnats, fleas. The active ingredient in this repellent is DEET. The 12 towelettes wrapped individually are suitable to be used in your car or carry along in your purse. This product has a Complete Protection Time of 6 hours and the formula in the towelettes is non-greasy and resistant to sweat.
Bens 100 Insect Repellent: The active ingredient in this insect repellent is DEET (in maximum concentration for use in areas highly infested with bugs). Ben’s 100 MAX effectively repels ticks, insects that carry the Zika Virus. It effectively repels mosquitoe species that cause malaria and that which causes the Eastern Equine Encephalitis and the West Nile Virus. It is small and potable. This product offers a Complete Protection Time of up to 12 hours. It is therefore one of the best mosquito repellents based on the duration of protection. It contains 100 percent DEET and fragrance free. It is advisable not to use this product near heat sources, flame or spark. It is also advisable not to apply the product on cuts, wounds, irritated or sunburned skin. Keep this mosquito repellent out of reach of children and when applying the product on children, put it on your own hand first, then put in on the child’s body. After the usage of this product outdoor, when you get home wash treated skin with water and soap.
OFF! Family Care Insect Repellent: This product effectively repels mosquitoes and other insects. It provides a long lasting protection against chiggers, gnats, biting flies and. It also provides protection against the species of mosquito that carry the West Nile Virus. The product formula is odorless, non-greasy and resistant to perspiration.
OFF! Deep Woods Spritz Insect Repellent: This is a very good mosquito repellent that also provides protection against chiggers, ticks, biting flies and gnats. It has a long Complete Protection Time.
Natrapel 12 hour Mosquito and Insect Repellent: manufactured by the Adventure Medical Kits, this is one of the best mosquito and insect repellents. The product effectively repels mosquitoes and biting insects. It has a Complete Protection Time of 12 hours against mosquitoes and 8 hours protection against biting insects. The active ingredient in this repellent is Picaridin (20 percent). It is DEET free, completely safe and does not have an adverse effect on jackets, fishing lines or synthetic material. It effectively repels species of mosquitoes which carry the West Nile Virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, and dengue fever. It also repels insects that carry the Zika Virus. This product comes in the form of a spray with a weight of 7 ounces.
Cutter All Family Insect Repellent Mosquito Wipes 7.15% DEET: This is the most appropriate repellent for babies. The active ingredient in this mosquito repellent is DEET (7.15 percent). Cutter All family Repellent offers a Complete Protection Time of two hours. The American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines approves and recommends this mosquito repellent for children with ages 2 months and above. It comes in the form of wipes package in a resealable pouch. This pouch prevents the wipes from drying out. The wipes can be applied on the face, neck and ears. This product is not oily or greasy.
Cutter 51020 Unscented Insect Repellent 10-Percent DEET:
This mosquito repellent contains DEET as the active ingredient (the product contains 10 percent DEET). It comes as a mosquito spray offering no greasy feel as is the case of some mosquito repellents. Cutter 51020 is an odorless mosquito repellent which provides a long lasting protection against mosquitoes and other forms of biting insects.
OFF! Deep Woods Insect Repellent V, 25 Percent DEET: this mosquito repellent can be sprayed directly on the skin or non-synthetic clothes (the spray leaves a slick layer of protection on the skin).
Mosquito Coil: This is a spiral repelling incense made from a dried paste of pyrethrum powder that effectively repels mosquitoes. The coil is usually suspended in the air and burned (it burns from the outer end of the coil). It burns releasing smoke that repels mosquitoes. Typically, the coil usually has a diameter of about 15 centimeters and has a complete Protection Time between 7 to 12 hours. Users who are asthmatic complain it is very irritating.
Mosquitoe Yard Spray
Mosquito yard sprays are of different types comprised of different active ingredients. This particular category of mosquito repellents is manufactured to be used around the back yard. Mosquito yard sprays are not supposed be used on the skin because some are toxic. Some are used indoors and outdoors where as others are used outdoors only. Most mosquito yard sprays do not only repel mosquitoes and other insects but kill in case of any contact (have both repelling and killing properties). Most of the sprays regarded as mosquito yard sprays are not formulated to repel or kill mosquitoes only. Most of them eliminate many insects.
Killer Green Insect Killer Spray: The active ingredients in this mosquito yard spray include; sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium chloride, and potassium sorbate. Killer Green Insect Killer spray effectively kills mosquitoes, roaches, beetles, black flies, spiders, gnats, ticks, fleas, ants, centipedes and other insects in few minutes. It is a non toxic mosquito yard spray. This product is capable of destroying all stages of an insect (eggs, larva). The spray can also be used indoors since it does not leave behind any residue or stain. It does not have any harmful effect on plants, thus, your flowers in the backyard are safe. This product comes in 16 ounces container and can only spray a small portion.
Cutter Backyard Bug Control: The active ingredient in this mosquito yard spray is lamda-cyhalothrin. It effectively repels and kills mosquitoes, grubs, ants, fleas, beetles, mites, fire ants, crane flies and other insects. It has no scent and leaves behind no residue. This yard spray comes in a 32 ounces container that can spray 5000 square feet. This sprays offers a complete protection time of 8 weeks. In case it rains, its effectiveness will last for 4 weeks. This spray is manufactured for outdoor use only.
Vet’s Best Flea and Tick Yard and Kennel Spray: This spray has three active ingredients; peppermint oil, eugenol, and sodium lauryl sulfate. It has no scent and can effectively eliminate mosquitoes, fleas and ticks and other biting insects. It leaves behind no residue but cannot be used indoors (formulated for outdoor use only). It is natural and has insect repelling and killing properties. This spray comes in a 32 ounce container that can spray up to 4,500 square feet. This spray can harm some plants so care should be taken when applying it in your backyard.