So many people have made money in article writing and even earned a living from it. Article writing is a pretty good paying job for anyone who enjoys writing and possesses the necessary language level for it. Nevertheless, article writing is not writing in a haphazard manner but does possess a writing manner and arrangement of words. Article writing just as other jobs can permit you gather the fortune you have always dreamt of if you just do the right things at the right time. Article writing has the advantage being the fact that you can earn money from home with writing. The choice is yours, for you can just write articles for money. Article writing is quiet flexible; it can be a full time job to make money as well as a part time job to earn extra cash.
The easiest and fastest way to write great articles
There is no longer the need to come up with all the contents off your head today due to the existence of many tip websites as well as online forums. Of great importance in writing great articles is never to take someone else’s words for your article neither should you dare take even a sentence. For if you should, then you are running the risk of being jailed as it is illegal doing such. Nevertheless, you can still learn in a detail way from the content of their work and finally write yours. It’s quiet simple, you just need to get three or four articles which are all talking about your topic, go through these articles and later write your own article using your own phrases from what you have learned recently.
Where to find good info for article writing
Should in case an article on ‘’petroleum engineering’’ has to be written, the writer should simply search google ‘’petroleum engineering’’ or ‘’petroleum engineering discussion boards’’. After this is done, simply read what folks are talking about as well as their responses from which the writer then uses to write the article on the selected topic ‘’petroleum engineering’’. If you wish to write on interesting topics, you can visit the frequently asked question websites from where you pick up the frequent questions asked by folks and write on. When writing an article make sure, you keep it short and direct to the point as each as everyone is seeking the shortest response to his or her questions as well as shortest methods to carry out a task. Remember readers are looking for clear, unique as well as helpful suggestions.
Giving a title to your article
Your article title is just like a headline and it is actually, what gets folks to make a decision on whether to read your article or pass it by for some better one. If you want to write articles for money, then you should be careful on choosing an article title. Let your article title reflect helpful tips which can actually be used immediately by folks. This is because people are actually looking for articles with solution tips which they can use immediately. So should in case you decide to make money writing, let your titles convey absolutely what you are offering in the core of your article. Still as a tip for anyone who wants to write articles for money, titles which are boring and too abstract should be avoided. For abstract titles could mean so many things and not actually addressing a particular problem which needs a solution.
How to edit your article?
Proving your own work can be quiet difficult. Any professional writer in the world can confirm this fact. This difficulty comes from the fact that you already have at the back of your brain each and everything that the page has to say and as a result, you can skip little errors without noticing. In editing your written article, you can just decide to read it aloud so as to check for flow. Nevertheless, it is wise to have another eye go through your work so as to confirm if your article actually makes complete sense. Still in editing your article, check kindly for spelling errors, for too much spelling errors would lead to the rejection of your article and it shall not be published.
How to earn money with articles?
Once you have your articles ready. Your resource box includes auto responder link as well as your name. Once the above is ready, it’s time to start submitting your articles. Make sure you give folks the opportunity to buy other products. Your name would finally and certainly end up in multiple search engines as other people start to promote your articles. Do not hesitate to reap the benefits of others’ work by going for two tier affiliate programs whenever you can. The submitted articles would end up giving you tons of free advertising as well as residual income. This is a pretty way to write articles for money. At this point, do not stop but see on finding another niche to make money writing and watch your income grow.
In case you have decided to write articles for money, it is good if the following statements apply for you;
Tips on how to make your article go viral
The least expensive way to market your practice has to do with writing of articles. Should in case this is done the right way, you can actually take on writing for blogs, trade publications, magazines, newspapers as well as e-newspapers. Each and every form of publication is actually aimed at looking for content of interest to their readers. So how do you actually make the best out of it and make your article go viral. It’s the question which shall be answered below.
It is obvious you shall have to write on topics that you better understand. But it is not sufficient because you have to write on topics that people are searching. Thereby bringing solutions to their questions. This is because if they are not searching for your topic it shall never pop up in their front. In order to know what people are researching, go to the google key word estimator tool. Type in the phrase you think you are going to write on so as to find all possible questions which are often asked concerning your phrase. Google will then propose even additional key words which interest people on that domain you are searching. You can as well find something better related to your phrase, which you take.
The next remarkable trick to take on writing articles that would easily get notice has to do with increasing key words of interests to your audience. Whenever someone googles one of the keywords it shall pop up in front of them. you can add a little hint of humour to the tittle so that it gets more attention. But remember not to be too cute as your audience won’t take you serious.
How to give your article a viral content?
It is the wish of each and every article writer to get his or her article shared over 200 times across twitter, Facebook as well as g+ under 24 hours. By so doing earn extra money. For article writing is quiet a good way to earn money from home. But for such results to be obtained. The writer has to possess a good knowledge on how to give your article a viral content. Once the writer can give the article a viral content, he or she would make money writing as desired. Below are some few factors that give your article a viral content.
Your article is shared by an influencer
If you should have your article retweeted by an influencer, then there is a possibility of having 400 to 500 and even more visitors over a period of 3 to 4 hours. These visitors would start a flood of retweets thereby bringing more eyeballs as well as retweets. The snowball effect has to do with the beauty of viral traffic if you should actually get an influencer share your article. Below are few ways which you can get an influencer share your content;
Personal experience counts very much
Today the world is nothing but a small global village thanks to improvements in science. About millions of blog posts are going on every day, so if you actually want to succeed in article writing, you should bring forth your personal experience. That is something you alone possess which is different from others. See on adopting a different approach than that which is generally used by all. For people are interested on creativity.
Choose a hot topic
If you wish to succeed in article writing, see on choosing topics which are quite interesting as well as solution solving topics. This will attract visitors in a large number to read as well as share your article.
As mentioned before you can as well take on article writing as a part time job so as to earn extra money. To be noted is the fact that even at home you can actually carry out article writing thus a good way to earn money from home.
In today’s world, so many people are trying to have some security by having many sources of income by getting a second job or a part time job. Most of the part time activities often carried out are convenient at home. Below is a list of legitimate ways to earn money from home.
Freelance writing
you can actually earn money from home by selling your words while you are at home. Today’s freelance writers have the choice of choosing from a variety of markets where they shall write and earn money at home. A freelance writer can decide to write for a magazine either online or in print thereby earning money. Same as you can earn money from home by writing for someone else’s or blogging by setting up your own site. In today’s world, the market for articles on the internet is just too vast with much work to go around. If you want to work from home as a freelance writer so as to earn money from home, you should consider the following points;
Start a website or blog
Although starting a website is a challenging task, there exist a lot of online help ready to assist you in this task. If you are in position of providing your website with the necessary services, then see on starting one so as to earn extra money.
Take surveys online
Another way to earn extra money is by taking surveys online. Just be careful because there exist so many scams out there when it comes to taking surveys online. The truth is that these surveys would not actually make you get rich but if you have some little free time and which to use it to earn extra cash then taking surveys can satisfy you.
Writing articles for other blogs
If you are looking for a way to earn extra money, then see on visiting high ranking blogs through their contact page, where you write them. For most of these high ranking blogs do pay guests from 50 dollars up to 200 dollars so they can write articles for their sites.