

101 on Conflict Resolution: Finding a solution to the cause
2 years ago

Conflicts are just normal and represent a natural part of human relationships. In fact people would not always agree on the same points at all times due to their differences in view of the case at hand. So conflicts should not be seen all the times as something negative for it might just be a struggle between two or more people to reach a better conclusion. In fact when conflicts are handled in a more constructive manner, it does helps people to stand up firmly for themselves and the others thereby working together to achieve mutually satisfactory solutions. Nevertheless if conflicts are poorly handled it can be catastrophic as this might cause anger, hurt, bring divisiveness and even more serious problems. This article does aims to resolve conflicts in a more constructive manner by actually addressing its cause.

Sources of conflicts

Aiming at conflict resolution, it is of primary importance to know and understand the different sources. There are just so many causes of conflicts, most of which shall be discussed.

Personal differences

One of the sources of conflicts which should be noted and taken serious when it comes to conflict resolution is personal differences. One of the personal differences that can bring conflict is ethics, this is because each and everyone has a personal view or convictions on the subject matter. Another personal difference which can bring forth a conflict is age, it is generally agreed that the more age increases comes more wisdom. But others still argue that age bring in conflict. Other personal differences which could possible act as sources of conflicts include; education, gender, economic and social status, temperament, religion, health, political benefits and gender. These personal differences do act as sources of conflicts because each and every one does have personal convictions on them which would be difficult to change.

A clash of ideas, choices or actions.

Still in order to better understand conflict resolution, it is of importance to know a conflict can rise up due to the fact that people do have incompatible goals. This could also happen when they find themselves in competition or when they actually have different working styles.

Poor communication

One of the major causes of conflicts when attempting conflict resolution is poor communication or the wrong transmission of information.

Preventing conflicts

Generally preventing conflicts is better than resolving them, so resolving conflicts should be the last option. After all it is clear that it is not actually possible to prevent all conflicts; at least there exist steps to keep conflicts to a minimum level. One way of conflict management is actually preventing it from occurring in the first place. It should actually be noted that preventing conflicts is not the same as avoiding conflicts. Preventing conflict has to do with a particular way of behaving and communicating that does averts needless conflicts by all means. In order to prevent conflicts, the following tips should be considered kindly:

Respect differences

Differences should be kindly respected due to the fact that many conflicts do arise from the differences in culture, gender, generations and values. For we all live in an increasingly diversified world, it is highly recommended to celebrate and respect people’s opinions and differences.

Treat others fairly just as you would like to be treated

No matter your personal opinion about someone, just be professional, respectful, courteous and tolerant even if you should be frustrated in doing this. The reason is this would actually prevent any form of dispute arising because of any poor treatments. Calmly inform all those who treat you disrespectful of your non approval of their actions. Dare not exacerbate or worsen the situation by just retaliating with inappropriate and displeasing comments.

Keep negative comments on to yourself

There exist a lot of people who are highly put off when they hear negative comments destined to others, in a more special way if it has to do with personal issues. Such in a workplace often lead to immediate disciplinary actions. If there should arise a need to actually vent out a personal issue, try to keep it until you are out of the workplace.

Keep your distance

In a general manner conflicts do arise with those who are very close to us. Nevertheless it is just so often easier to move along free from conflicts if one another’s privacies and boundaries are well respected. Not to forget is the fact that taking a break from each other can actually go a long way in maintaining peace.

Resolving conflicts

Most of the times, conflicts cannot or should not eventually be avoided through any way. Of great importance to anyone is knowing how to deal with conflicts. So often people have not been given the necessary and required tools to deal with conflicts in a correct way. The following steps should be well considered and taken note of;

Address the issue clearly

Addressing a conflict in its early stages is of great importance in conflict resolution. This is because as time passes by the conflict might aggravate and become more difficult to handle and could possibly yield to a bigger and more difficult issue to handle. So one of the ways in resolving conflicts is addressing it early.

Address the issue privately

In resolving conflicts it is important to find private time where you won’t be overheard or interrupted in any way so as to settle the differences as early as possible. Always start by speaking to the person you are having the conflicts with in a one to one person talk before involving others should in case you fail to settle it privately.

Expect discomfort

It could be discomfort to resolve the conflict, but because it is necessary and should be done in time just take up the courage so as to see that the conflict is resolved.

Be specific and objective

In any conflict resolution, it is of importance to identify the main issue at hand together with its effects so as to see on better resolving it. In resolving conflicts always avoid generalising statements or reminding past issues but try to remain focus on the main issue. 

Focus on the outcome

In conflict resolution, don’t focus on blaming anyone or dwelling on problems. But see on finding out possible and suitable outcomes of making peace.

Be open

Being open in conflict resolution does establish a suitable atmosphere of great respect and mutual cooperation. In resolving conflicts, see on giving a listening ear to the ideas, opinions and points of views which others have. Always appreciate and realise the fact they do think differently from the way you do and could possibly bring fruitful results on the table thereby helping resolve the problem more easily.

Respond constructively

In any conflict resolution, always see on it that the other person feels and believes you do value what they are saying even if you do not completely agree. In resolving conflicts, always try not to respond negatively nor reject what the other person has to say. For each and every one does value what they have to say and appreciate when they are given the opportunity to do so otherwise they get annoyed.

Know your triggers

It is of great importance learning to know your personal warning signs for anger so as to know when to stop or continue, as this would prevent you from entering in to more conflicts.

Maintain a sign of humour

Always be willing to give out a laugh even if it is at you. This is because it has been proven than maintaining a sense of humour does help relief stress and help get you and others through difficult times without conflicts.

Learn to compromise

Compromise is very important in any form of relationship. Remain calm even if there is any disagreement on any issue, allow each and every one express personal point of view and at the end look for a way to meet every one in the middle.

Don’t attempt to resolve conflicts when tempers are flaring

It is not wise attempting to resolve any conflict when tempers are flaring because at such a point no one can agree on particular solution. If this should be the case, just simply take a break during which each and every one would reflect on a possible solution so as to come back later for an agreement.

Know when to retreat

Most of the times the conflict resolution process would not always work. It is possible that the skill levels of some people may not actually be at the point where they can take part as full partners in such a process. An example could be the case where one has a spouse who is unwilling or does not know how to solve the problem. You might possibly have a problem with a co-worker or boss who is known for irrational outbursts, so it is wise to prevent conflicts with such a person by knowing when to retreat.

Practice forgiveness

There can exist times when someone does something quiet hurtful might be intentional or unintentionally, well it is ok getting angry but because we must keep moving forward in life, it is of importance to forgive and forget.

There exist so many ways which a person can actually take on when it comes to dispute resolution. You could eventually decide to talk to the other person so as to find a possible dispute resolution method. One could possibly get help in a dispute resolution from an organisation or a person not involved in the dispute in any way. This could include:

  • A mediator who acts as an alternative dispute resolution practitioner.
  • A lawyer who would actually remind and advise you of your legal rights during the dispute resolution.
  • Someone trusted by all for taking care of any dispute resolution.
  •  Court.
  • Ombudsman.

Whenever you want to choose the best dispute resolution process first of all think of the following in a detail way:

  • How to others who are involve in the dispute are thinking of managing the dispute.
  • Think of the kind of structure you want the dispute resolution to have.
  • The amount you are ready and prepared to spend in time and money.

Conflict management is of good necessity when conflicts arise. Hence can  be managed to yield positive results. The concept of conflict management is not new for it was there so many years backwards. Just that when it comes to conflict management each and everyone has a view or a way of approach which are not generally fixed but do depend on the type and cause of the conflict.

Stimulating conflicts to improve performance

The concept of stimulating conflicts so as to improve performance is actually difficult to accept because conflicts are traditionally having a negativity associated to it. But today there exist lots of evidence that in situations with an increased number of conflicts there is also an increase in performance. Most project managers often stimulate conflicts in the following ways so as to increase performance around their surroundings.

Accept conflict as desirable on certain occasions.

As the project manager eventually insists on developing front-end planning, conflict might actually develop. Up to a certain extent, conflict at the front end should actually be viewed positively as a project manager’s opportunity participating in setting a budget for the project is actually to decrease conflicts down the road.

Bring in new individuals in to an existing situation

There is a possibility of achieving new perspectives through the questions on how the work should be done from outsiders or newly employed members. The new members may actually encourage the old members in thinking of new ways of doing the things.

Bring in programs aimed at increasing competition

Project managers can introduce programs aimed at increasing competition there by encouraging task managers to finish their work packages ahead of time without compromising quality and still remain under the planned initial budget.