

Disadvantages Associated with Obesity
2 years ago

The world today can be described as a place of riches with many wanting to get the best (in terms of feedings) out of what they work (their money). As such, many keep consuming recklessly without any control nor consider the disadvantages of such feeding habits as well as the proportion of nutrients needed for a healthy living. As such, many today are becoming obese as a result of over junk foods intake with little or no activities such as sports to overcome the negative effects. Being obese is a very dangerous and complicated process as it is the major start to inheriting many different diseases as well as even heart problems which even lead to dead if not carefully handled. Many obese usually have shorter life span of between 30 to 50 years. There are a lot of disadvantages associated with obese people not only to themselves but also to their families as well as those taking care of them or in some cases during rescue.

Here are some fictional tips about obesity (all that you need to know about obesity).

Obese People

The number of obese people increases gradually on a daily basis. World statistics over the past 40 years show that the percentage of obese adults has dramatically outclassed those of light weight. World statistics of obese people shows that in adults, the percentage of obese people is more for women than for men. But over the past 40 years, the proportion of obese men has tripled than usual while for women it has doubled. On the other hand, the proportion of light people (men and women) has fallen dramatically to about three times than never before in the past 40 years.

It therefore suffice to say with regard to time that our world has changed from an underweight dominated or prevalence world to a world dominated by obese people. And if this is not prevented or halted, the proportion of obese women will be very high before 2025 compared to the underweight women. With the number of obese people being at about 640 million, it can be seen statistically from world obesity trend researches that about 180 million of the total obese people come from the richest countries in the world which include the United States of America, United Kingdom especially England and Wale, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and even Ireland. This can primarily be explained by the cheap cost of junk foods and beverages in these countries. It suffices therefore that appropriate prices be fixed for such foods and beverages. Not only referring to the numerous and chronic diseases caused by obesity, obese people are a bigger threat to the environment too due to excessive waste produced from the over consumption of basic food stuffs.

In other scenes, obese people are a threat during rescue services and besides, the number of obese people rescued from fire by firefighters has increase over recent years. Because of the excessive weight from many obese people, it can be a difficult scene for rescuers as there could be forced to use lifting equipment as many of such obese people are too heavy to be supported by a rescuer. On the other hand, because during rescue services, it is usually advisable to pass through safe paths, in cases where there are no safe way out, one can only be created by breaking the wall, window, as well as some interior fittings to take out the victim, but in this case the rescuers will need to do more work to create such paths as obese people require a larger surface area to pass through.

There are generally three types of fats which lead to obesity and they include;

Skinny fat; which is characterized by the following:

  • Taking in poor diet as well as poor exercise regime
  • Healthy body mass index
  • Lacking muscle tones
  • Usually poor metabolic health and so on.

Burnout fat; which is characterized by the following:

  • Constant or always being tired for no reason.
  • Interrupted sleeps.
  • Increase in one’s appetite level as well as too much intake of carbohydrates and sugar and so on.

Stressed fat; which characterized by:

  • Being unable to lose weight even if you are dieting to prevent weight accumulation.
  • It can also affect hormones which bring about hunger as all hormones are powered by the endocrine system.

Here is a list of the top five heaviest people overtime and their weights.

  • Jon Brower Minnoch-635kg
  • Khalid Bin Mohsen Shaari-610kg
  • Manuel Uribe-597kg
  • Carol Yagger-544kg
  • Robert Butler-544kg

Childhood Obesity

The world today is full of many fat children. Obesity in children can be regarded as having too much body fat. It is important to note that childhood obesity is not the same as childhood overweight. The majority of over obese children are found in the United States of America which is been proven that one-third of their children are obese and the number keep rising continuously. However, children generally have few health problems compared to adults but also, children with overweight turn to be more prone to certain diseases such as chronic heart diseases as well as diabetes.

Children who are obese are usually teased and bullied more than the underweight children as such they are highly prone to depression as well as lower self-esteem than their lower weight peers and may even suffer from social isolations.

However, it is best if every parent should be wise at looking the state of his child as being obese or not. If any parent should see his child in a state of being obese, then it will be necessary to take every necessary means to avoid it. Childhood obesity victims grow up to be obese adults.

Childhood obesity has a lot of causes most of which differ from that seen in adults. This is because childhood obesity usually can start as early as 1 or 2 years after birth.

 Below are some of the causes of childhood obesity;

  • Most children are obese as a result of genetic factors, lack of physical activities, or in some cases as a result of no good feeding patterns. Also, over weight in very rare cases can be caused by hormone disabilities (hormonal problems).
  • Childhood obesity is also linked to family behavioral activities. Take for example, children whose parents, brothers and even sisters are obese may turn to be obese in a short or long run but this can mainly be explained as being the result of over eating and other activity habits. But it is worth noting that not only children from obese parents turn to be obese.

With our changing world, it is very likely that childhood obesity cannot be prevented as many children spend a lot of time watching, playing video games and doing lesser physical activities.

Childhood obesity can lead to the following risk in children; high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, bone problems early on, as well as early heat problems.

Causes of Obesity

The causes of obesity are numerous.  But here, I will be rather discuss the what are think are the leading causes of obesity or excessive weight gain.

  • Genetic Factors; the genetic components associated with obesity is very strong as such parents who are obese may turn to breed offsprings with a likely-hood of being obese than those of lean or underweight parents. Obesity is not completely determined by our genes but also by some genetic components which could make us susceptible to overweight. Take for example; many non-industrialized economies are highly prone to obesity when they start feeding on western foods. This is so because even thought their genes do not change, changes still occur as a result of changes in environment and signals imparted onto their genes.
  • Eating Differently (Engineered Junk foods); Many processed foods are made with chemicals. Such foods are eye catchers. These foods are usually engineered such that they could be sold at cheaper rates, last long on sale as well as eye and appetite catching. With the good taste from these foods coupled with the cheap prizes, many consumers are willing to take an endless run for it. This goes all the way to cause obesity.
  • Being Addicted to Food; this is perhaps a complex process which is difficult to control. Some people even without being hungry still manage to eat bunch of foods. Addiction is a complex process that can hardly be avoided until you are rewarded. The highly engineered foods are a major cause of many obesity victims in the western nations. Just as drinking alcohol continuously can turn you brain into alcohol addicted so is junk food.
  • Some medications; some pharmaceutical medications such as those used for depression (antidepressants), diabetes and many others can lead to weight gain as they allow the body to gain fats by altering our body’s and brain’s functions.
  • Little or no physical activities; There are a lot of contributing factors to this. Some people are very fed up with cars, even over short distances which require walking or using a bicycle, many decide to use their cars. In some schools, students have a limited time to physical activities. With our world dominated my machines which are usually powered either by gas or electricity, many house chores are not done with human efforts. Also technology has completely made us sedentary- a world where everyone wants the finest of technology and interest. These are the major causes of obesity.
  • misinformation; one of the greatest and worst cause of obesity is that many consumers are being misinformed that stuffs like the engineered foods and pharmaceutical medications are made from scientific researches.

Diseases caused by Obesity (Disadvantages of Obesity)

The reason why obesity is disadvantageous is because of the diseases it exposes us to. The diseases caused by obesity are a major thread to life than just being obese.  Also the disadvantages of obesity encompass not only the diseases caused by obesity but also social issues as well as sexual ineptitude.

Diseases caused by obesity as well as the other disadvantages which are not diseases.

  • Heart Related diseases and stroke

Heart related diseases are one of the major diseases caused obesity or overweight. It is important to put in mind that extra or excessive weight makes one develop high blood pressure or high cholesterol level in the blood which are major causes of heat diseases and even stroke.

  • Type 2 diabetes

It can be seen that a great number of diabetic patients will however become obese. Developing or becoming diabetic however increases your chances of becoming obese. This is due to the simultaneous relationship between diabetes and obesity which can be explained by the fact that many people generally eat certain food types which should only be eaten on regular basis and hence risking their lives of becoming diabetic, then followed by obesity.

  • Gall Bladder Disease

Overweight or obese people are more likely to develop gall bladder diseases as well as gallstone. Also, gallstone is not only referred to obese people but also to people losing excessive weight over shorter time periods.

  • Other Related problems

Many people also suffering from obesity may not be due to the aforementioned problems but rather problems associated with arthritis, hyper tension, sleep disk, cancer, breathing problems as well as pregnancy problems.

  • Personality or Body related issues

Many obese people generally suffer from psychological factors related to lack of concentration, sloppy habits toward physical activities as well as tiredness and when put together, these factor have a lot of impact on the personality of the individual’s attitude.

  • Social Factors

Socially, many obese people are usually underestimated by the public and even by their colleagues usually from the ineptitude, and shapes or inability to put in all necessary workforces in a laborious job.


  • Sexual Ineptitude

With obesity being a major cause of lack of energy, excessive time of resting and natural inclination towards sleep as well as difficulty in body movement, obese people are less desiring for sexual practices. Also obese people desire for sexual acts is as less than that of other people with other inabilities or syndromes and as such this can lead to serious problems in a family.

Obesity Surgery

Usually the type of surgery performed on obese patients is the bariatric surgery which is a process with complex procedures. The main aim of obesity surgery is to remove excess fat as well as fat producing cells. However, Obesity surgery generally leads to long term loss in weight but also improves ones recovery from diabetes as well as reduced risk of dead. For every obesity surgery, it is required that the patient in attended by the best surgeons with lots of experience in bariatric surgery so as to avoid complications. Below is a list of some of the obesity surgery procedures.

  • The Gastric Bypass procedures
  • Sleeve Gastrectomy procedures
  • Adjustable Gastric band Procedures
  • Biliopancreatic division with duodenal switch gastric bypass procedures.
  • Adjustable gastric band procedures
  • Vertical banded gastroplasty procedures and so on.

Treatment for Obesity

There are many different ways to treat obesity some include;

  • Prescription of medicines; by prescribing medicines such as the orlistat and locaserin, one can treat obesity as it goes all the way to create either a feeling of being full or even blocking the absorption of fat. Orlistat can block up to about 30% of fat from the food we eat. Also, orlistat may not be a source of treatment for obesity for everyone and usually it has some unpleasant side effects.
  • Supplements; many people have been producing their own supplements everyday around the world as a way to help burn fat faster with many generally having negative side effects or may not even work at all. Note that there is no supplement that can replace a healthy diet if you want to cut down. But also, there are multivitamins which could help close the gap of nutrients intake.

Behavioral Changes; to be really successful in treating yourself from being obese, one need to change the behavior because even after losing weight, you can still regain it if your behavior is not changed. You have to strive to healthy eating as well as the quantity of food eaten daily. You can also put in physical activities to loss more weight. In order to keep yourself busy while at home, you can decide to carryout house chores than let your house help do it for you. In order to keep a tract of how much weight you are losing through your behavioral changes, it is necessary to document each behavior down and make sure to always repeat it daily