

The Hall of Fame: How to get there, How to stay there
2 years ago

There is always room for more stars in the hall of fame, and of course everyone is a potential star. That means everyone can become famous. You could have your name echoed amongst names like Chris Oyakhilome, Samuel Etoo Fils, Don Moen and the host of others in different fields and works of life. You simply need to know what is expected of you and how to get there. Sincerely, it is quite easy to be known these days. Post something worth sharing on social media, and within days, your name may be mentioned on CNN, BBC or shared and re-tweeted on social media. That’s it, your picture, video or whatever has gone viral and you are indeed popular. There are different ways to become famous and having a video, picture or something linked to your name and personality go viral could be regarded as one of the ways to become famous. However, social media popularity or fame hardly lasts more than a few weeks if the individual in question is not actually famous. Soon enough, people will be interested in something more appealing and whatever it is that you posted would have been forgotten.

On the other hand , there is real fame, built and gotten from making real impact in the lives of people one way or the other. A person can become famous overnight, but it does not always happen that way. However it happens, you need to still get the information that follows and apply it diligently. One very important reason why you should desire to be famous and to stay famous is that fame gives you the ability to influence people easily. Once a person is famous, his or her power to influence even the decisions of governments increases in proportion to the level of fame. Fame is power and if you wield it and know how to control that power, you can make outstanding contributions and impact in the lives of people. Now, since you want to become famous, lets look at how you can be famous and what you should do stay famous once you get in.

How to become famous

Becoming famous is not as difficult as some people think and at the same time, it is not as easy as others presume. There are a number of steps to becoming famous and you will have to go through them. Even people who become famous overnight have been putting these tips and taking these steps before they “suddenly” made their entrance into the hall of fame. Those who are famous and known around the world got there by taking certain steps that others were either ignorant of or were not decisive and courageous enough to take. These are the things that actually differentiate the famous from those who are not known. Let me state here that fame is relative and while one person may be famous internationally, another may be well known just within the boarders of his or her own nation. Generally, the more fame you want, the more effort and sacrifice you may have to put in. The more famous you become, the more caution and diligence is required to stay there.

Stick to your passion

Fame is a function of a person’s passion for what they do. That means you have to discover your passion and stick to it. It will be difficult to become famous or even stay famous if you are not pursuing your passion. One of the most important steps to becoming famous is working hard and developing your skills on the things you are passionate about. It may take a while to discover your passion but when you discover it, you need to keep the flames alive. Never be swayed by what other people are doing. The fact that you admire something does not mean that you are going to be good or famous at it. If you are passionate about drawing or painting, it is alright to admire those who are famous in the music industry, but you cant leave your lane to run in another’s. Your passion is what will announce you to the world so stick to it even when it doesn’t seem to be the trending issue at the time.

Be innovative

The hall of fame does not have enough space to accommodate people who glory in accomplishments of the past. No matter the field of life you have chosen to grow, there is a need to to be innovative in what you do. Thrive to get better at it daily. That’s the part of fame and success many people do not talk about or capitalize on. Even the famous stars you admire hardly tell you that the side of them you so much envy is actually not the real side. The real side is characterized by painful discipline, hard work and persistence. It has memories of failed attempts and self encouragements to move on. Most famous people are those who have payed the price to be innovative. To develop their skills and are committed to unveiling a better version of themselves to the world. So long as you still breathe, there are versions of your songs, your portraits and skills people are yet to see. Let them see something better and you will soon find and take your place in the hall of fame.

Take advantage of opportunities

Some people could tell you that it takes time to be famous. Not necessarily so. You may spend years of hard work and preparation in sharpening your skills, but becoming famous may not be a matter years, months, weeks or even days. You could become famous in a moment of time. First you have to know the importance of opportunities and how to maximize them. Learning to take advantage of opportunities is one of the steps to becoming famous. You could become famous overnight but you will still have to be diligent with the opportunities that come your way. Those who want to become famous cannot mess up or take their opportunities lightly.

It often takes just an opportunity for a person to be exposed to the world. A gifted singer for example may be required to sing at a small event with just a few people and he or she could turn it down because its not as big an opportunity as he would like to have. However, amongst those few people who make up the audience at the time, there could be someone who can connect you to people and events that really matter. Should you despise opportunities like this because of ego and ambition, you will hardly become famous in life. Taking advantage of opportunities is one of the ways to become famous and you should take it seriously.

No matter how small your opportunities seem to be, you must take every one of them serious if you are going to be famous and known around the world. And by the way if you cannot handle and appreciate the “small opportunities”, it is clear proof of your unreadiness to handle something bigger.

Be bold and confident

Famous people have to meet and address thousands of people very often. This calls for boldness and confidence. Timid people can hardly make it to the hall of fame. What helps you take opportunities and make the most of them when they present themselves is the confidence you have in yourself and the boldness to stand up to the occasion. As you move from one stage or level of exposure to the other, you will need to constantly boost your self confidence and make up your mind to be bold and very courageous. More so, there are going to be moments of disappointment and disapproval from people. Situations are not always going to look bright. But what matters is how you react to the challenges that come your way. So besides raw talent and skills, you have to develop what it takes to stand up against challenges.

Discover and develop your talent

One way to know what your are talented in is to know what you are passionate about. If you want to become famous, you must first discover your talent. In most cases, your passion could be a pointer to your talent. Now for the person who already knows what his or her talent is, it is important to work at it and develop your talents to their best. Remember there are so many people out there who are in the same field. The number of people should not discourage you. There are millions of singers and musicians in the world but each one is unique. Nobody sings exactly like another person. So what will distinguish you from others in the same field is your commitment to developing your skills and the unique qualities you possess. If you have succeeded in discovering your talent, you have crossed one of the steps to becoming famous. Even those who hope to become famous overnight have to develop themselves so that when the time comes, they are ready and have something to present to the world.

Developing your talent is of course not something you are ever going to stop. As a matter of fact, the day you stop developing is the day you stop being relevant. If at all you were ever famous, people are hardly going to remember you. You can only be as relevant to the world as the development of your talent.

Know your strengths and capitalize on them

You cannot build fame on your weaknesses. You have to capitalize on your strengths. When you find something you are good at, capitalize on your strengths. Lets say you are gifted in visual arts for example. If your strength is pencil drawing, stick to it. There are many other forms of art which are very good. In order to stay relevant, you should capitalize on your strengths within the area of your gifting or talent. You are more likely to become famous by capitalizing on your strengths than trying to be another person or suppressing your weaknesses.

Advertise yourself

Before there was social media or the Internet, becoming known around the world was very difficult even for those who had great talent. Radio and television were not something people could easily own talk less of having your music or talent advertised. Now if you want to become famous, all you need is a good phone and connection to the Internet. Once you have those two, you can effectively make yourself known. Getting famous on social media is not the same as being famous in life but it is a good place to start. If you can build a social media base and expose your talent as you get better with consistency, you could easily find opportunities that would launch you into the hall of fame. Self advertisement as one of the ways to become famous is very effective. When you discover your talent and begin developing it, there are other steps to becoming famous you must take. Advertising your talent is one of them. You could easily become famous overnight if you make it your business to advertise yourself until it happens.

Count the cost

As far as steps to becoming famous are concerned, counting the cost should come first. If you must become famous and stay famous, you have to take some time to count the cost. There are privileges, responsibilities and challenges of becoming famous. If you start out just dreaming of the privileges, you may be deceived and unprepared when the challenges present themselves. Know what fame will mean to your life, your career and family. Ask yourself how much fame you can deal with and decide how you are going to deal with the challenges that will definitely come.

Sometimes it is really difficult to decide how famous you are going to be. If you ask most stars you admire today, they will tell you where they are at the moment is far from where they dreamed to be. For some it just happened. But before you are caught unawares, you need to be prepared for whatever comes. Some people become famous unawares and before they know what is happening, their entire life is in total confusion. Its not that they do not deserve to be famous, they just did not plan for it. If you want to become famous, that’s commendable, but you must count the cost before getting into fame.

Take charge of your weaknesses

When you discover you have a flaw in your character or skills, learn to handle it before it becomes your undoing. There is usually a better time to handle challenges. Like they say, character is like pregnancy, it will always show up with time. If you don’t handle certain flaws in character and profession, it will be exposed at a time and in a way that you will not be comfortable with.

How to Stay Famous

Now that you are familiar with the ways to become famous, lets look at how you can keep it. There is a difference between being famous and staying famous. Keeping your place in the hall of fame is a little more tricky and difficult than becoming famous. You will need to learn from experience and put in more effort. Taking note of the following could help you stay famous once you get there.

Get a mentor

A mentor is simply someone who is where you like to be and is willing to help you get there. It is better to get mentors at the early stage of your career. However, if you are already in, you should still get one. First, a mentor has the advantage of experience. He or she must have gone through the huddles and challenges you have to go through. Sometimes, some of the heartaches people go through to become famous are not necessary at all. You may go through certain challenges that are not necessary simply because you had no one to guide you. The worse part about the issue is the fact that some of such challenges have the potential to wear you out and if care is not taken, cause you to give up. Imagine going through the process of becoming famous and giving up only to realize later in life that the challenges you went through were not even necessary and could have simply been avoided.

Once you are famous, a mentor has a great role to play in helping you stay famous. You will last longer in the hall of fame if you find a mentor even before you get there.

Learn to forget the past and reach out to the future

Staying famous is about being relevant beyond today. You have to be visionary in order to keep your fame. People quickly get tired of those who have or promise nothing more to offer. Forget your former achievements and reach out for more. Bring out the potentials in you that people are yet to see. There is always more, you cannot afford to be blinded by the achievements of the past and oblivious to the possibilities of the future. If you become too comfortable or conceited with your achievements, it will be nearly impossible to perform better and keep fame.

Focus on adding more value to the lives of people

Remember fame is not all about you. It includes all the people you are able to influence and affect positively through that fame. Famous people are some of the most influential people in the world. Men or women who posses great fame posses great influence. Influence on its part helps you to positively touch the lives of people more easily. If you have the power of influence, you can get people to make decisions and take actions that will make a positive difference in their lives and the world at large. We all possess the power to influence people though at varying degrees. Those who are famous can always influence more people than those who are not known nationally or internationally.

Deal with the troubles and challenges that come with being famous

Famous people hardly live ordinary lives. The constant effort to evade crowds and keep a personal profile is not all they have to face daily. Stars have a schedule to keep, a large number of fans to please and sometimes a family to attend to. The daily pressure and tension which characterizes their lives can hardly be discerned through the veil of smiles they have to put on every now and then.

There are certain challenges that every famous person must face and overcome especially in order to stay famous. Sometimes being famous is like living the life of another person, especially when your perspective about fame is corrupt and you have no guidance.

Stay in touch with fans through available platforms

People are famous and influential because they are liked by others who either find interest in their personality or abilities. But having people find interest in you or what you do is not enough. With social media you can keep in touch with fans. That’s one responsibility or sacrifice you should be ready to make for being famous. Usually all fans want to know is what you are up to almost everyday of your life. If you are an open person, then they don’t need paparazzis or bloggers to give them that information because they will always have it on your social media profiles.

Whatever the case, find a way to keep in touch with your fans, or at least let them think you are in touch. You could even sponsor people to run social media campaigns on different platforms in your name. Upload and update them on public events and outings from time to time.

Learn to cultivate genuine interest in helping people

One vital part of staying famous is helping people as much as you can. Especially in societies where you started and rose to fame. Those who supported and believed in you while you were yet little known around the world. This can only be done successfully by those who are truly interested in helping people in whatever way they can.

 You have the steps to becoming famous and what it takes to stay famous. All you need do is observe them and everything is surely going to work out just fine.