

Treating Diabetes with Acupuncture: A Boon for Many
2 years ago

Acupuncture, a famous form of Traditional Chinese Medicine is known for treating several kinds of pains and other chronic diseases. It is an ancient theory, which is used for diagnosing diseases and treating them using ancient techniques like needle therapy and herbal medicines. Once the problem is diagnosed a skilled acupuncturist choses a combination of pressure points on your body that were relieved further through various processes to make you feel better.

Diabetes is a modern day lifestyle disease that has become common among people these days. In traditional Chinese Medicine diabetes is referred as ‘Xiao-Ke’ which literally means emaciation thirst. While this disease spreads throughout your body, but treating diabetes with acupuncture works in a different manner. If you are Treating Diabetes with Acupuncture then your acupuncturist will differentiate your body parts on the basis of the effects of the diabetes, which means he will differentiate whether your upper body is at more risk or your lower body needs more attention.

An acupuncturist identifies the effects of diabetes in a different way wherein the upper body reflects excessive thirst, middle body signifies excessive hunger and your lower body represents excessive urination. So your diabetes symptoms give them a clear idea of which body part they need to work upon. Acupuncture treatment for diabetes is a common Traditional Chinese Medicine pattern that helps in relieving energy stagnation caused due to long term mental over stimulation. An acupuncturist turns this stagnation into heat and dries the fluids that have developed in the lungs that cause thirst.

Another common TCM pattern that is a probable symptom of diabetes is internal injury to your stomach or spleen, which is usually caused because of the consumption of oily, spicy food along with alcohol over a long period of time. Other symptoms for the diabetes caused because of this pattern include excessive hunger, digestive issues, anxiety and pain in lower abdominal. Diabetes also makes your kidneys go weak, which start deteriorating with age, improper diet, emotional imbalance, etc. frequent urination, pain in lower back and sore knees are some other common symptoms of diabetes caused because of kidney failure.

Acupuncture Treatment for Diabetes takes place once or twice a week depending on your condition and continues for a month or two. Once the treatment you will start feeling relief instantly, which helps in reducing the frequency of the treatment.

So, now you can trust acupuncture even for relief from diabetes without relying too much on medication.


Authors Bio:
The author writes a lot about Treating Diabetes with Acupuncture. He also shares information on Acupuncture Treatment for Diabetes.