

10 High-Fat Superfoods That Will Help You Improve Your Overall Health
2 years ago

Unfortunately, fats have gotten a bad reputation over the years. However,  now we finally know how necessary fats are for hormonal health, brain health, heart health, and even weight loss. However, not all fats are the same. Bad fats can raise your risk of weight gain and chronic inflammation. 

Fat is the macronutrient that makes the brain recognize fullness when you eat, and this feeling can help prevent overeating. Fat is also important for vitamin and mineral absorption. 

There are four vitamins necessary for bodily functions that are fat-soluble. This means that they can only be absorbed in the presence of fat. Fat-soluble vitamins include A, D, E, and K. 

Additionally, various antioxidants such as lycopene are better absorbed with fat. Fat also keeps your brain and nerves healthy. Saturated fat plays a huge role in synthesizing sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone) and help maintain hormonal balance. Let’s look at super health foods that will provide you with high-quality fats: 

1. Avocado

Avocados are full of monounsaturated fats that improve heart and brain health. These fruits also contain over 14 minerals, soluble fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids which are used in high cholesterol treatment. Avocados are also rich in a variety of antioxidants, and vitamins C, E, and K.  

2. Oily fish

Oily fish is the best source of polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA. These fatty acids are essential for cardiovascular protection, and brain health. Lack of omega-3 fatty acids is connected with increased depression and anxiety. DHA has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and is connected with reduced Alzheimer's risk.

3. Parmesan cheese

Parmesan cheese is rich in calcium and vitamin B12. Moreover, it's very low in lactose and can be tolerated by people with lactose intolerance or sensitivity. It can also provide you with protein and amino acids such as tyrosine. In fact, tyrosine is involved in the production of dopamine, noradrenaline, and adrenaline, and thereby helps improve mood and emotional stress.

4. Eggs

Many people think that eggs are full of bad cholesterol, but this is not true. They actually contain good cholesterol, high-quality protein, and various vitamins and minerals needed for good health. Egg content includes choline (crucial for brain function and liver health), vitamin K2 (protects against heart disease), and biotin (maintains hair, nail, and skin health).

5. Olives

Olive are high-fat foods that are rich in the MUFA oleic acid and a variety of polyphenols. These nutrients in combination decrease inflammation and boost heart and brain health. Olives are also a great source of fiber which supports gut health. According to some studies, eating olives increase the levels of glutathione which is essential for metabolism and immune system.


Seeds are also excellent sources of omega-3 ALA which possess anti-inflammatory properties. Flax seeds are particularly rich in lignans that lower bad cholesterol levels.

7. Nuts

Nuts are very healthy due to their high content of fiber, protein, and unsaturated fats, and according to research, they can be very helpful in weight loss. According to one large study, found that people who were asked to add nuts to their diet lost an average of 2 inches from their waist in a year.

8. Dark chocolate

Сhocolate consists of monounsaturated and saturated fats as well as flavanols that can lower blood pressure and boost brain function. Dark chocolate containing 70 to 80% of cacao is the best option. 

9. Extra virgin olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil is an ideal source of heart- and brain-healthy MUFAs, polyphenols that possess anti-inflammatory properties and slow cancer cell growth. Moreover, consuming olive oil is also associated with decreased risk of breast cancer as well as cancers of the digestive system.