

Fashion & Design
2 years ago

A woman wants to feel beautiful, confident, at the beginning and end of every day. She wants to hold her head up high and love the reflection she sees in the mirror without spending thousands of dollars on plastic surgery to achieve it. This informative guide will serve as a path for you to achieve it.

What is Style?


What we call “style” is really everyone who make a series of very personal choices every day.  The litany of questions everyone asks herself goes something like this.

  • v  What do I want to wear today?
  • v  What do I want to look like?
  • v  How does this outfit make me feel?
  • v  What message does this outfit convey to people who work with me or meet me for the first time?
  • v  Does this look good on me?
  • v  Do I like this color?
  • v  What accessories should I wear to round out my outfit?
  • v  What goes with these pants/this shirt/my blue suit/my favorite black purse/the strappy sandals…?
  • v  Are these clothes appropriate for the weather/my meetings today/my interview/working in the yard/meeting my son’s teacher at school…?


The world of personal style comprises all these questions and more. It touches the heart of everyone’s internal dialog, as they get dressed daily.  It gets to the heart of self-image, self-worth, self-esteem, self-empowerment, and the individual’s sense of style. Personal style is intertwined with our personalities, our sense of individuality, sometimes our sense of conformity or rebellion, and most definitely our sense of role and status in the world.

Style is ultimately important because it impacts our everyday experience. It’s what we look like when we put on clothes each morning and look in the mirror. It’s how we feel about ourselves, and it strongly influences how we feel about others. It creates first … and lasting … impressions, for good or bad.

Personal style is wearing “my own brand.” It’s one of the ultimate forms of self-expression.  Further, fashion is not just limited to consolidate the concept of wearing the latest and hottest brands etc. Fashion stands for a culture in which your personality and identity are communicated and shown to the world.

You may be asking “how do I create by own brand? 

Well, you must know who you are to create your own brand.

So, who are you?

Remember personal style is intertwined with our personalities, our sense of individuality, sometimes our sense of conformity or rebellion, and most definitely our sense of role and status in the world.

First, start by buying clothes based on YOU and not just because it “fits” and just because the clothes are on “sale”.  Yes, I know, most of us are on a budget and yes; some stores do not cater to all size women. But purchase items with a purpose in mind and based your personality. So, for an example, is it for a special event; that job interview; or a long-awaited vacation? What about your personality?  Are you a sassy? Or perhaps you are more reserved but a little whimsical; you may be shabby chic.  Again, purchase clothes based on YOU, period.

Also, when purchasing clothing ask yourself, if I purchase this item, will it pair well with other items in my closet? If so, with what?   How many items can I pair this item with other clothes in my closet?  What about accessories?  Does this item fit my lifestyle, does it identify with my personal and professional image?  Does it portray what I want to present to the world? Do you get the picture? By asking yourself these questions, you can determine if the article of clothing will fit your purpose, fit your personality, your lifestyle, and the image you want to portray to the world; which will ultimately emit confidence and make you stand out from the crowd.

You may be asking, Ok, so what about the clothes I already have in my closet?  Although most people may have lots of clothes, a huge portion of them are outdated, don’t fit properly, need to be taken to the dry cleaners, or are items that just don’t go with anything else in our closets.  The same process applies; started thinking about your style and the message you want to give with your clothes. Take some time and come up with new combinations that work and to come up with new ones whenever I go out of style.  By doing this you will find yourself getting rid of some clothing that just does not fit your purpose, personality and image.  Keep in mind, that is exactly what we want; to get rid of clothing that does not serve your purpose.  The goal is to create a stunning wardrobe and have less stress and frustration, so you can have your wardrobe organized in a way that streamlines your day to day life.

Another way to look stylish, add drama and flare to your existing clothes is to wear accessories.Women's accessories, like clothes, get to the heart of self-image, self-worth, self-esteem, self-empowerment, and the individual’s sense of style. Accessories can help you can reflect your personality and preferences without being outlandish.

Women's garments can be accessorized with jewelry, a scarf, a hat, a shawl, a purse, a belt, gloves, hair accessories and women's shoes. All these items combined can make your outfits look charming, polished and complete.

Accessories can be great for defining your good points and minimizing the less favorable ones. They also can help you look more fashionable even without wearing fad or trendy clothing.

Accessories can be great for defining your good points and minimizing the less favorable ones. They also can help you look more fashionable even without wearing fad or trendy clothing.


Priscilla James

Chi Chi Gallery Design